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giovedì 29 aprile 2021

What to Expect When You're Expecting Part of: What to Expect When You're Expecting (5 Books) | by Heidi Murkoff



America’s pregnancy bible answers all your baby questions.
  • When can I take home a pregnancy test?
  • How can I eat for two if I’m too queasy to eat for one?
  • Can I keep up my spinning classes?
  • Is fish safe to eat? And what’s this I hear about soft cheese?
  • Can I work until I deliver? What are my rights on the job?
  • I’m blotchy and broken out—where’s the glow?
  • Should we do a gender reveal? What about a 4-D ultrasound?
  • Will I know labor when I feel it?
Your pregnancy explained and your pregnant body demystified, head (what to do about those headaches) to feet (why they’re so swollen), back (how to stop it from aching) to front (why you can’t tell a baby by mom’s bump). Filled with must-have information, practical advice, realistic insight, easy-to-use tips, and lots of reassurance, you’ll also find the very latest on prenatal screenings, which medications are safe, and the most current birthing options—from water birth to gentle c-sections. Your pregnancy lifestyle gets equal attention, too: eating (including food trends) to coffee drinking, working out (and work) to sex, travel to beauty, skin care, and more. Have pregnancy symptoms? You will—and you’ll find solutions for them all. Expecting multiples? There’s a chapter for you. Expecting to become a dad? This book has you covered, too.


Let That Sh*t Go: A Journal for Leaving Your Bullsh*t Behind and Creating a Happy Life (Zen as F*ck Journals) by Monica Sweeney



From the author of bestselling journal Zen as F*ck, Monica Sweeney gives the gift of letting go with this journal for leaving your bullsh*t behind and creating a happy life.

Harboring grudges and plotting revenge takes a lot of energy. While the wait for one true moment of schadenfreude sounds oh so sweet, true bliss can be found in simply not giving a f*ck.

With Let That Sh*t Go, you’ll find moments of profanity-laced catharsis and joy through journaling activities and inspirations that are positive as f*ck. Within these truly charming pages, you’ll find ways to let go of the bullsh*t and lift your spirit a little f*cking higher.

The Step-by-Step Instant Pot Cookbook: 100 Simple Recipes for Spectacular Results -- with Photographs of Every Step by Jeffrey Eisner



The easiest-to-follow Instant Pot cookbook ever: 100 delicious recipes with more than 750 photographs guiding you every step of the way

Jeffrey Eisner's popular Pressure Luck Cooking website and YouTube channel have shown millions of home cooks how to make magic in their Instant Pots. Now Eisner takes the patient, fun, step-by-step approach that made him an online phenomenon and delivers a cookbook of 100 essential dishes that will demystify pressure cooking for Instant Pot users of all abilities--and put an astounding dinner on the table in a flash.

Every flavor-filled recipe in this book is illustrated with clear photographs showing exactly what to do in each step. There are no surprises: no hard-to-find ingredients, no fussy extra techniques, and nothing even the most reluctant cooks can't master in moments. What you see is truly what you get, in delicious and simple dishes such as:
  • Mac & Cheese
  • Quick Quinoa Salad
  • French Onion Chicken
  • Eisner's popular Best-Ever Pot Roast
  • Ratatouille Stew
  • And even desserts such as Bananas Foster and Crème Brulée.


Zen as F*ck (Zen as F*ck Journals) by Monica Sweeney



Monica Sweeney offers the perfect gift of mindfulness with this beautiful, uplifting guided journal for when you just don't give a f*ck.

The road to serenity is ahead, and it’s paved with a f*ck-ton of profanity. When quiet meditation and peaceful mantras aren’t enough to cut through the bullsh*t and brighten your day―hold close the pages of Zen as F*ck. On each and every page, you can give the good around you a warm f*cking hug and kick the bad on its ass. Journal your way through positive affirmations and cathartic-as-f*ck activities on your liberating journey toward something pretty close to happiness.

Sprinkle, scatter, or set off a glitter-bomb of happy vibes onto your trail of tranquility with Zen as F*ck!

• Start sparkling like the f*cking gem you are
• Learn how to rise, shine, and kick ass
• Cast your soul-shining light on others and spread some f*cking beauty

Don't miss the other f*cking amazing titles in this series: Zen as F*ck at Work, Let That Sh*t Go, and Find Your F*cking Happy


The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are Book 1 of 1: The Gifts of Imperfection | by Brené Brown



Brené Brown’s game-changing New York Times bestseller, The Gifts of Imperfection, has sold more than 2 million copies in more than 30 different languages and is celebrating its 10th Anniversary in print. Forbes magazine named Gifts one of the "Five Books That Will Actually Change Your Outlook On Life." Through this self-help classic we find courage to overcome paralyzing fear and self-consciousness, strengthening our connection to the world and helping us to believe we are worthy of self-discovery, personal growth, and boundless love.

A motivational and inspiring guide to wholehearted living, rather than just the average self-help book, with this groundbreaking work Brené Brown, Ph.D., bolsters the self-esteem and personal development process through her characteristic heartfelt, honest storytelling. With original research and plenty of encouragement, she explores the psychology of releasing our definitions of an “imperfect” life and embracing living authentically. Brown’s “ten guideposts”  are benchmarks for authenticity that can help anyone establish a practice for a life of honest beauty—a perfectly imperfect life.

Now more than ever, we all need to cultivate feelings of self-worth, as well as acceptance and love for ourselves. In a world where insults, criticisms, and fears are spread too generously alongside messages of unrealistic beauty, attainment, and expectation, we look for ways to “dig deep” and find truth and gratitude in our lives. A new way forward means we can’t hold on too tightly to our own self-defeating thoughts or the displaced pain in our world. Instead, we can embrace the imperfection.

The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness by Dave Ramsey



New York Times bestseller! More than Five million copies sold!

You CAN take control of your money. Build up your money muscles with America’s favorite finance coach.

Okay, folks, do you want to turn those fat and flabby expenses into a well-toned budget? Do you want to transform your sad and skinny little bank account into a bulked-up cash machine? Then get with the program, people. There’s one sure way to whip your finances into shape, and that’s with The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition.

By now, you’ve heard all the nutty get-rich-quick schemes, the fiscal diet fads that leave you with a lot of kooky ideas but not a penny in your pocket. Hey, if you’re tired of the lies and sick of the false promises, take a look at this—it’s the simplest, most straightforward game plan for completely making over your money habits. And it’s based on results, not pie-in-the-sky fantasies. With The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition, you’ll be able to: 

  • Design a sure-fire plan for paying off all debt—meaning cars, houses, everything
  • Recognize the 10 most dangerous money myths (these will kill you)
  • Secure a big, fat nest egg for emergencies and retirement!

Includes new, expanded “Dave Rants” sidebars tackle marriage conflict, college debt, and more. All-new forms and back-of-the-book resources to make Total Money Makeover a reality.

Dive deeper into Dave's game plan with The Total Money Makeover Workbook: Classic Edition. The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition is also available in Spanish, transformación total de su dinero.


Think Like a Monk: Train Your Mind for Peace and Purpose Every Day by Jay Shetty



Jay Shetty, social media superstar and host of the #1 podcast On Purpose, distills the timeless wisdom he learned as a monk into practical steps anyone can take every day to live a less anxious, more meaningful life.

When you think like a monk, you’ll understand:
-How to overcome negativity
-How to stop overthinking
-Why comparison kills love
-How to use your fear
-Why you can’t find happiness by looking for it
-How to learn from everyone you meet
-Why you are not your thoughts
-How to find your purpose
-Why kindness is crucial to success
-And much more...

Shetty grew up in a family where you could become one of three things—a doctor, a lawyer, or a failure. His family was convinced he had chosen option three: instead of attending his college graduation ceremony, he headed to India to become a monk, to meditate every day for four to eight hours, and devote his life to helping others. After three years, one of his teachers told him that he would have more impact on the world if he left the monk’s path to share his experience and wisdom with others. Heavily in debt, and with no recognizable skills on his résumé, he moved back home in north London with his parents.

Shetty reconnected with old school friends—many working for some of the world’s largest corporations—who were experiencing tremendous stress, pressure, and unhappiness, and they invited Shetty to coach them on well-being, purpose, and mindfulness. Since then, Shetty has become one of the world’s most popular influencers. In 2017, he was named in the Forbes magazine 30-under-30 for being a game-changer in the world of media. In 2018, he had the #1 video on Facebook with over 360 million views. His social media following totals over 38 million, he has produced over 400 viral videos which have amassed more than 8 billion views, and his podcast, On Purpose, is consistently ranked the world’s #1 Health and Wellness podcast.

In this inspiring, empowering book, Shetty draws on his time as a monk to show us how we can clear the roadblocks to our potential and power. Combining ancient wisdom and his own rich experiences in the ashram, Think Like a Monk reveals how to overcome negative thoughts and habits, and access the calm and purpose that lie within all of us. He transforms abstract lessons into advice and exercises we can all apply to reduce stress, improve relationships, and give the gifts we find in ourselves to the world. Shetty proves that everyone can—and should—think like a monk.

mercoledì 28 aprile 2021

Il caso medusa di Richard Normandon (La Nuova Frontiera junior)

The Unknown: Lo Sconosciuto di Kieu Bich Hau ( I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno)

Kieu Bich Hau è nata nel 1972 nella provincia di Hung Yen, in Vietnam. Vice capo degli Affari Esteri dell’Associazione degli Scrittori del Vietnam. Direttrice editoriale di Vietnam Textile - Garment - Fashion Magazine. Ex vicedirettrice di Intellectual Magazine. Ora vive ad Hanoi, in Vietnam. E’ autrice di numerose pubblicazioni apprezzate a livello internazionale e vincitrice di prestigiosi premi letterari. “Sono versi che l’autrice dedica all’uomo che ama, lontano perché vive in un altro continente, ma la cui presenza è da lei avvertita grazie al ricordo dei momenti trascorsi insieme, momenti che la poesia fa rivivere in modo intenso, da cui emergono i vari e spesso contrastanti stati d’animo che accompagnano inevitabilmente l’amore, sentimento dalle molteplici sfaccettature” (Laura Garavaglia)

In copertina: Painting by Artist Hoang A Sang

Info link 


Se non è iRobot è Roomba - iRobot store on Amazon (Shop now!)

La sarta di Parigi di Georgia Kaufmann e Maria Carla Dallavalle



New York, 1991. Rosa Kusstatscher ha costruito un impero della moda sul suo gusto squisito e la capacità di indovinare l'abito perfetto per ogni occasione. Ma stasera, mentre si prepara per l'incontro più importante della sua vita, l'usuale sicurezza vacilla. Si sforza di trovare il vestito adatto e scegliere la giusta tonalità di rossetto e, nel farlo, inizia a raccontare la sua vicenda straordinaria. La storia di una povera ragazza di montagna, originaria di un piccolo villaggio del Sud Tirolo. Dell'occupazione nazista e della fuga dall'Italia di notte. Della speranza e del dolore straziante in Svizzera; del glamour e dell'amore a Parigi; dell'ambizione e della perdita a Rio de Janeiro; del successo e della scoperta di sé a New York. Una vita passata a correre, solo adesso Rosa se ne rende conto. È una donna che ha conquistato il mondo. Ma a quale prezzo? In parte ispirato alle vicende della madre e della nonna dell'autrice, "La sarta di Parigi" è un romanzo storico che racconta la vita avventurosa di una donna forte e affascinante e che, tra eventi epocali, amori e protagonisti indimenticabili, accompagna il lettore attraverso i continenti e cinquant'anni di storia del Novecento.

I segreti di Parigi. Luoghi, storie e personaggi di una capitale di Corrado Augias



Parigi è senz'altro una delle capitali europee più visitate dagli italiani, eppure quasi nessuno si discosta dagli itinerari consueti: Tour Eiffel, Notre-Dame, Quartiere latino, Champs-Elysées. In questo modo i luoghi, le opere d'arte, i monumenti, "logorati" dalla loro stessa celebrità, finiscono per appiattirsi e diventare semplici figurine da collezionare, ma allora non fa più molta differenza guardarne la riproduzione seduti sul divano di casa o l'originale nella realtà. Con questa nuova e arricchita edizione del suo best seller "I segreti di Parigi" Corrado Augias, fine e appassionato conoscitore della Ville Lumière, ci guida alla scoperta dei suoi angoli più appartati, delle tracce meno appariscenti del suo luminoso passato, ci fa conoscere artisti e personaggi entrati nella leggenda che hanno vissuto in quei "cinquemila ettari del mondo dove si è più pensato, più parlato, più scritto". Così ogni pagina rivela alcuni dei tanti "segreti" della città o racconta episodi - tragici, comici, sentimentali, macabri, eroici ed erotici - che hanno trovato in Parigi, capitale della vecchia Europa, il luogo ideale per passare alla storia: dai torrenti di sangue (finto) sul palcoscenico del Grand-Guignol ai fiumi di alcol (vero) che alimentarono la poesia di Verlaine e la pittura di Utrillo, dagli amori mercenari delle mademoiselles di Pigalle agli attacchi isterici delle pazienti di Charcot nei reparti della Salpëtrière...

Parigi. Con carta estraibile di Catherine Le Nevez , Christopher Pitts, e al.



Perfetta per un breve soggiorno, questa guida pratica e facile da usare raccoglie il meglio della città: che cosa vedere, itinerari e segreti del posto per vivere un'esperienza indimenticabile.

Il cigno nero di Parigi di Karen Robards e Vivaldi Anna



Parigi, 1944. La celebre cantante Genevieve Dumont è una star coinvolta in operazioni di spionaggio. Venerata dai nazisti, la sua posizione di privilegio le permette di passare inosservata come alleata della Resistenza. Ma quando la madre, con cui ha allentato i rapporti, Lillian de Rocheford, viene catturata dai nazisti, Genevieve è sconvolta. Sa che non passerà molto tempo prima che la Gestapo riesca a estorcere a Lillian informazioni chiave sull'imminente invasione alleata. Il movimento della Resistenza ha il compito di metterla a tacere ricorrendo a ogni mezzo necessario, compreso l'assassinio. Ma Genevieve non può permettere che la madre diventi un'altra vittima della guerra. Riunitasi con la sorella, deve trovare il modo di attraversare la Francia occupata senza essere scoperta: una missione estremamente pericolosa, in cui chiunque potrebbe far saltare la sua copertura, e una corsa contro il tempo scandita da rischi continui. Riuscirà a salvare la vita di Lillian?

Parigi da scoprire. Segreti, storie e tante altre curiosità. Ediz. a colori di Helen Greathead e Matilde Macaluso


Preparati a diventare un vero esperto! Segui 19 fantastici percorsi tematici per portare alla luce i segreti più inaccessibili di Parigi. Scopri dove si può cavalcare un dodo, come si vernicia la Tour Eiffel, la migliore ricetta per gustare le lumache e tanto altro ancora! Parigi come non l'hai mai vista!

La biblioteca di Parigi di Janet Skeslien Charles e Roberta Scarabelli



Parigi, 1940. I libri sono la luce. Odile non riesce a distogliere lo sguardo dalle parole che campeggiano sulla facciata della biblioteca e che racchiudono tutto quello in cui crede. Finalmente ha realizzato il suo sogno. Finalmente ha trovato lavoro in uno dei luoghi più antichi e prestigiosi del mondo. In quelle sale hanno camminato Edith Wharton ed Ernest Hemingway. Vi è custodita la letteratura mondiale. Quel motto, però, le suscita anche preoccupazione. Perché una nuova guerra è scoppiata. Perché l'invasione nazista non è più un timore, ma una certezza. Odile sa che nei momenti difficili i templi della cultura sono i primi a essere in pericolo: è lì che i nemici credono che si annidi la ribellione, la disobbedienza, la resistenza. Nei libri ci sono parole e concetti proibiti. E devono essere distrutti. Odile non può permettere che questo accada. Deve salvare quelle pagine, in modo che possano nutrire la mente di chi verrà dopo di lei, come già hanno fatto con la sua. E non solo. La biblioteca è il primo luogo in cui gli ebrei della città provano a nascondersi: cacciati dalle loro case, tra i libri si sentono al sicuro, e Odile vuole difenderli a ogni costo. Anche se questo significa macchiarsi di una colpa che le stritola il cuore. Una colpa che solo lei conosce. Un segreto che, dopo molto tempo, consegna nelle mani della giovane Lily, perché possa capire il peso delle sue scelte e non dimentichi mai il potere dei libri: luce nelle tenebre, spiraglio di speranza nelle avversità.

La piccola Parigi di Massimiliano Alberti, Giorgio Cociani, e al.



Un omaggio a una delle tante perle che, nel corso della storia, la regina della Senna ha "nascosto" nei sobborghi di molte metropoli europee. Vicoli stretti, costruzioni basse e rustiche. Proprio come a Montmartre, nel grembo della bella e unica Trieste tante piccole case sorgono accatastate una vicina all'altra, in un'area che ricorda lo spirito Bohémien ma senza le notti del Moulin Rouge o de Le Chat Noir. Niente Cancan. Storie di sola gente e di gente sola, in questo luogo. Talvolta di andate e di ritorni. Di calzini appesi accanto al fuoco e di corti umide. Storia d'amore e d'amicizia. Di Lorenzo e di Marie Jeanne. Del matto Willy Boy e dei suoi "pen pen" urlati al cielo. Di Tullio e di Christian. Di gatto Benny e gatta Maria. Della Dea Incantatrice e Assassina: la Brown Sugar. Storia di mamma Rosalia. Di una carta da gioco appiccicata su di un muro in una viuzza nascosta. E di un rione ormai dimenticato fra nuovi e sovrastanti palazzi. Benvenuti nella Piccola Parigi. "Non state sognando, esiste realmente...!". (Brigitte Bardot) Parte dei diritti d'autore derivanti dalla vendita di questo libro sono devoluti in beneficienza a "Il Gattile" di Trieste.

Parigi a piedi. Curiosità e piccole scoperte di Jessie Kanelos Weiner e Sarah Moroz




Senza più esitare: Un'ipocondriaca a Parigi di Lucilla Ferretti



Ero messa male, veramente male. Improvvisamente un giorno d'estate, mentre stavo facendo una nuotata al mare sperimentai il primo attacco di panico. Ero al largo e mi accorsi che non riuscivo più a nuotare. Pensai che sarei sicuramente annegata. Riuscii a tornare a riva con un espediente, ma quello fu solo l'inizio. A seguire arrivò la paura dell'aereo, del treno, dei tunnel in autostrada, della metropolitana, degli ascensori e infine la paura della paura di un attacco di panico. Il mio campo d'azione si restringeva sempre di più, soffocandomi. Per me che amo tanto viaggiare, significava scivolare in una prigione dalla quale era impossibile evadere perché le mura erano invisibili. Dopo anni di passaggi inconcludenti e dispendiosi da uno psicologo all'altro, finalmente mi venne un'idea: lasciare tutto e trasferirmi a Parigi. Perché Parigi? Così d'istinto, forse perché l'amavo prima ancora di innamorarmene. Così è iniziata la mia avventura.

Parigi in nero di Tommaso Franco



 Una tecnologia seducente e minacciosa. Un mondo allo sbando, drogato di emozioni artificiali. Cinque anime travagliate, in lotta per sopravvivere. Quando Parigi diventa il fulcro di un piano di smisurata ambizione, chi di loro riuscirà a salvare la propria umanità?Un thriller avvincente e spietato, per smascherare l’inquietante futuro che ci aspetta."Parigi in nero" appartiene alla collana "Brivido capitale", una serie di thriller indipendenti di Tommaso Franco che comprende anche "Madrid da morire" e "Tokyo mozzafiato".

Birds of California Field Guide (Bird Identification Guides) by Stan Tekiela



Identify Birds with California’s Best-Selling Bird Guide!

Make bird-watching in California even more enjoyable. With Stan Tekiela’s famous bird guide, field identification is simple and informative. There’s no need to look through dozens of photos of birds that don’t live in your area. This handy book features 176 species of California birds organized by color for ease of use. Full-page photographs present the species as you’ll see them in nature, and a “compare” feature helps you to decide between look-alikes.

Inside you’ll find:

  • 176 species: Only California birds!
  • Simple color guide: See a yellow bird? Go to the yellow section
  • Stan’s Notes: Naturalist tidbits and facts
  • Professional photos: Crisp, stunning images

This second edition includes six new species, updated photographs and range maps, expanded information, and even more of Stan’s expert insights. So grab Birds of California Field Guide for your next birding adventure―to help ensure that you positively identify the birds that you see.


1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die (1001...Series) by Steven Jay Schneider and Ian Haydn Smith



With over 1.75 million copies sold worldwide, this book is a must-have for all movie lovers, from casual movie-goers to film connoisseurs. This brand-new edition of 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die covers more than a century of movie history. Selected and authored by a team of international film critics, every profile is packed with details, plot summaries and production notes, and little-known facts relating to the film's history. Each entry offers a fresh look at some the greatest films of all time.

Learn the complete history of filmmaking, from silent-era sensations such as D. W. Griffith's controversial The Birth of a Nation to recent Oscar winners. Discover little-known facts about Hollywood's most memorable musicals, greatest dramas, noteworthy documentaries, screwball comedies, classic westerns, action and adventure films, and more. Movie lovers of all stripes will thoroughly enjoy this must-have compilation.

How to Be Italian: Eat, Drink, Dress, Travel and Love La Dolce Vita by Maria Pasquale



Delve into the art of loving and living in every moment.

'Italian' is as evocative a word as any, but what does it really mean? The answer is a lifestyle that many envy, from one of the world's most beloved countries - aperitifs and the art of drinking coffee. Feast days and a quiet August. Cities steeped in history, where the past is always present and countless style and fashion icons reside. In a country where wine is produced in every region, food is deeply entrenched in tradition, and some of the world's greatest artists, composers, and thinkers have lived, passion is everywhere and la dolce vita thrives.

This book is a celebration of what it means to be from Italy - an education in drinking to savour the moment, travelling indulgently, and dolce far niente - the sweetness of doing nothing. From the innovation of Italian fashion and design, the golden age of its cinema, the Roman Empire's cultural echoes, and some very good espresso, take a dip into the Italian psyche and learn to eat, love, dress, think, and have fun as only Italia can.

Gastro Obscura: A Food Adventurer's Guide (Atlas Obscura) Part of: Atlas Obscura (2 Books) | by Cecily Wong, Dylan Thuras , et al.



We’ve been stuck at home for long enough! It’s time to get out and taste the world again. From those ever-curious, ever-quirky minds behind the #1 New York Times bestselling Atlas Obscura, with over 800,00 copies in print, comes an unputdownable guide that marries our endless appetite for travel with our insatiable interest in food. Continent by continent, country by country, Gastro Obscura takes up the mantle of Atlas Obscura to radically expand our sense of wonder about the world—in this case, what humans eat and drink, which turns out to be far more marvelous than we could ever imagine.

Created by the founders of AtlasObscura.com, GastroObscura.com delivers fresh food stories daily to the millions of Atlas Obscura readers and Facebook fans, along with its own burgeoning dedicated email newsletter that is currently reaching over 192,000. And it is now serving up the best of it in a lavishly illustrated food-lover’s gift of nearly 500 dishes, ingredients, traditions, and experiences.

Discover English bog butter. “Threads of God” pasta (only three women know how to make it). The best black bean fritter restaurant in Brazil. The world’s largest floating restaurant. A croissant museum in Poland. Focusing as much on food’s place in our lives as well as our bellies, the book covers history—the network of ancient Roman fish sauce factories. Culture—picture four million women gathering to make rice pudding. Travel—scale China's Mount Hua to reach a sacred tea house. Festivals—chase a wheel of double Gloucester at Britain’s annual Cooper’s Hill cheese rolling competition. And such truly surprising delicacies as sturgeon spinal cord, blood tofu, stinkbug tacos, and more.

Minimalista: Your Step-by-Step Guide to a Better Home, Wardrobe, and Life by Shira Gill



Elevate your personal style, trim your belongings, and transform your life, one room at a time, with this visionary lifestyle and home organization book from professional organizing expert, Shira Gill.

As a professional home organizer with clients ranging from students to multi-millionaires, Shira Gill observed that clutter is a universal stress trigger. Over the years she created a signature decluttering and organization process that promotes sustainability, achieves lasting results, and can be applied to anyone, regardless of their space or lifestyle. Rather than imposing strict rules and limitations, Shira redefines minimalism as having the perfect amount of everything—for you—based on your personal values and the limitations of your space. 
Now, in Minimalista, Shira shares her complete toolkit for the first time, built around five key steps: Clarify, Edit, Organize, Elevate, and Maintain. Once you learn the methodology you'll dive into the hands-on work, choose-your-own-adventure style: knock out a room, or even a single drawer; style a bookshelf; donate a sweater. Shira teaches that the most important thing you can do is start, and that small victories, achieved one at a time, will snowball into massive transformation. Broken into small, bite-sized chunks, Minimalista makes it clear that if the process is fun and easy to follow, anyone can learn the principles of editing and organization.

You Are Here (For Now): A Guide to Finding Your Way by Adam J. Kurtz



An honest and relatable guide to figuring out where you’re headed—and feeling okay in the meantime.

When life feels uncertain, or just plain out of control, making intentional choices can help us move forward and find our way. Sometimes all it takes is a gentle nudge, but for anyone waiting for that big, obvious sign from the universe: This is it!
This candid collection of essays and artwork is full of reflections, encouragement, and insights on the theme of personal transformation—realistic perspectives to help you move from “staying alive” to nurturing and celebrating the person you know you really are.
From the generous and slightly jaded mind of artist Adam J. Kurtz, these pages explore mental health, identity, handling setbacks, and finding humor in the unknown—and will be a touchstone for seekers, graduates, creatives, and anyone who’s trying to figure out what’s next (and maybe even feel a little hopeful about it).

The Book of Hope: A Survival Guide for Trying Times (Global Icon Series) by Jane Goodall and Douglas Abrams



In a world that seems so troubled, how do we hold on to hope?

Looking at the headlines--a global pandemic, the worsening climate crisis, political upheaval--it can be hard to feel optimistic. And yet hope has never been more desperately needed.

In this urgent book, Jane Goodall, the world's most famous living naturalist and Douglas Abrams, internationally-bestselling author, explore--through intimate and thought-provoking dialogue--one of the most sought after and least understood elements of human nature: hope. In The Book of Hope, Jane focuses on her “Four Reasons for Hope”: The Amazing Human Intellect, The Resilience of Nature, The Power of Young People, and The Indomitable Human Spirit.

Told through stories from a remarkable career and fascinating research, The Book of Hope touches on vital questions including: How do we stay hopeful when everything seems hopeless? How do we cultivate hope in our children? Filled with engaging dialogue and pictures from Jane’s storied career, The Book of Hope is a deeply personal conversation with one of the most beloved figures in today’s world.

And for the first time, Jane tells the story of how she became a messenger of hope: from living through World War II, to her years in Gombe, to realizing she had to leave the forest to travel the world in her role as an advocate for environmental justice. She details the forces that shaped her hopeful worldview, her thoughts on her past, and her revelations about her next--and perhaps final--adventure.

There is still hope, and this book will help guide us to it.

The Gap and The Gain: The High Achievers Guide to Happiness, Confidence, and Success by Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Dr. Hardy



As he did in WHO NOT HOW, Dr. Benjamin Hardy shares one of Dan Sullivan’s simple yet profound teachings that until now has been known only to his Strategic Coach clients: unsuccessful people focus on “The Gap,” but successful people focus on “The Gain.”

Most people, especially highly ambitious people, are unhappy because of what they measure themselves against. We all have an ideal, which is like a moving target always out of reach. When we measure ourselves against our ideal, we’re in “The Gap.” However, when we measure ourselves against our previous selves—the person we were when we set our goals and ideals—we will be in “The Gain.” In “The Gain” we can more clearly see the progress we’ve made, and therefore will experience the happiness, confidence, and satisfaction that come from achieving—positive, powerful emotions that will motivate us to pursue new goals and ultimately become increasingly successful.

Hill House Living: The Art of Creating a Joyful Life by Paula Sutton



A gorgeous guide to the simple pleasures of cottage living—antique hunting, gardening, and enjoying the seasons—from beloved British design and fashion influencer.

A happy home is everything. No one knows this better than stylist and blogger Paula Sutton, who is behind the beloved Instagram account Hill House Vintage. Like many people, Paula gave years of her life to the busyness of the city until she traded catwalks for dog walks and couture for manure after leaving office life a decade ago.
Beautifully illustrated with hundreds of photographs and drawings, this book gives you a full glimpse into life at Hill House. Inspired by Paula's love of all things vintage, and filled with simple, stylish, and thrifty tips and tricks for every area of the house, this book will bring the best of country life into your home, wherever you are.
In a world that often moves too fast, Hill House Living is an invitation to take a moment to stylist, make or cook something nice for its own sake—and yours. Slow down, cozy up, and join the quest to making each day more intentionally joyful.


Tomb Raider: The Official Cookbook and Travel Guide (Gaming) by Sebastian Haley and Tara Theoharis



Join Lara Croft on a global journey and prepare delicious food from around the world with Tomb Raider: The Official Cookbook and Travel Guide.

Tomb Raider: The Official Cookbook and Travel Guide is a thrilling and delicious tutorial on recipes based on the cultural history of the many locations Lara Croft has visited throughout her 25 years of global adventures—bringing the taste back home to you. Inspired by the hit Tomb Raider videogame franchise, this book features over 40 recipes from the many locations Lara Croft visits and explores across the globe, with food and drinks inspired by key characters and locations. Also included is expert information on the cultural history of the many beautiful cities and countries to which she travels. A global exploration, this unique cookbook and travel guide takes fans on an exclusive journey across the planet chasing the thrills and adventures of Lara Croft. Featuring beautiful full color photography as well as stunning art from the games, this is the ultimate gift for fans, travelers, and food aficionados alike.

OVER 40 ALL-NEW RECIPES: Features over 40 recipes inspired by the many locations Lara Croft visits across the world
TRAVEL GUIDE: In addition to over 40 recipes, this book includes a one-of-a-kind travel guide celebrating the many beautiful countries and cities Lara visits
25TH ANNIVERSARY: Officially licensed by and created in partnership with Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics for the 25th anniversary of Tomb Raider

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