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lunedì 26 aprile 2021

New Mexico Road & Recreation Atlas (Benchmark Recreation Atlases) by Benchmark Maps and Atlases



The very first Benchmark atlas title, first released in 1995, has once again been field-checked and updated with current public land owndership and recreation points of interest. The Recreation Guide lists dozens of POI with contact info for every corner of The Land of Enchantment.

The Magical Girl's Guide to Life: Find Your Inner Power, Fight Everyday Evil, and Save the Day with Self-Care by Jacque Aye




Transform into your most magical self with this one-of-a-kind, manga inspired self-care guide designed to help you discover and harness your inner power- anime style!

Inspired by the wand-wielding, crime-fighting magical girls in your favorite animes and mangas, The Magical Girl’s Guide to Life teaches you how your self-care journey starts by uncovering the magical girl within.

With fun exercises, journal prompts, and personality tests, you’ll quickly learn everything you need to know about your magical girl self, including your magical girl name, what type of power you possess, and what cute companion will perfectly complement your magical girl journey. Once your magical girl identity is locked in, you’ll learn how to take on the world and continue your self-growth by:

  • Discovering your magical girl gang
  • Punching fear in the face/defining your monster
  • Developing your magical girl beauty routine
  • Finding love after fighting crime
  • And more!

With gorgeous illustrations and entertaining animated characters, The Magical Girl’s Guide to Life reveals how self-love, sisterhood, and magic go together. Perfect for fans of anime and manga like Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, and more!


Windows 10 for Seniors in easy steps by Michael Price




Windows 10 for Seniors in easy steps, 4th edition takes you through the essentials of Windows 10, a step at a time. Written with older citizens in mind, and presented in larger print, it will get you up and running quickly, including:

  • Installing or upgrading to Windows 10, and customizing it to suit your needs.
  • Mastering the key features of Windows 10 on your Windows device (including PCs, laptops and touch devices).
  • Finding your way around with the Start button, the Start menu, and the Taskbar.
  • Using the Quick Access section – an area you can personalize with your favourite apps, programs, contacts and websites so you can quickly get to the functions and files used most often.
  • Searching the web with the Microsoft Edge browser.
  • Learning about apps, finding and downloading them, then resizing and moving them and maximizing, minimizing or closing from their titlebars.
  • Understanding how Cloud storage with OneDrive works, and using it for free storage and sharing files.
  • Talking to Cortana, the voice-activated Personal Digital Assistant that can perform searches on the computer or the web, performing actions like opening apps or documents, or setting reminders, and more.
  • Windows 10 for Seniors in easy steps, 4th edition is filled with tips and shortcuts to help you get the most out of Windows 10, whatever your level of experience and whichever type of PC system you are using.


    Witch Queens, Voodoo Spirits, and Hoodoo Saints: A Guide to Magical New Orleans by Denise Alvarado



    A magical mystery tour of the extraordinary historical characters that have defined the unique spiritual landscape of New Orleans.

    New Orleans has long been America’s most magical city, inhabited by a fascinating visible and invisible world, full of mysteries, known for its decadence and haunted by its spirits. If Salem, Massachusetts, is famous for its persecution of witches, New Orleans is celebrated for its embrace of the magical, mystical, and paranormal. New Orleans is acclaimed for its witches, ghosts, and vampires. Because of its unique history, New Orleans is the historical stronghold of traditional African religions and spirituality in the US. No other city worldwide is as associated with Vodou as New Orleans.

    In her new book, author and scholar Denise Alvarado takes us on a magical tour of New Orleans. There is a mysterious spiritual underbelly hiding in plain sight in New Orleans, and in this book Alvarado shows us where it is and who the characters are. She tells where they come from and how they persist and manifest today. Witch Queens, Voodoo Spirits, and Hoodoo Saints shines a light on notable spirits and folk saints such as Papa Legba, Annie Christmas, Black Hawk, African-American culture hero Jean St. Malo, St. Expedite, plague saint Roch, and, of course, the mother and father of New Orleans Voudou, Marie Laveau and Doctor John Montenée. Witch Queens, Voodoo Spirits, and Hoodoo Saints serves as a secret history of New Orleans, revealing details even locals may not know.

    The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life Part of: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck (2 Books) | by Mark Manson



    #1 New York Times Bestseller

    Over 2 million copies sold

    In this generation-defining self-help guide, a superstar blogger cuts through the crap to show us how to stop trying to be "positive" all the time so that we can truly become better, happier people.

    For decades, we’ve been told that positive thinking is the key to a happy, rich life. "F**k positivity," Mark Manson says. "Let’s be honest, shit is f**ked and we have to live with it." In his wildly popular Internet blog, Manson doesn’t sugarcoat or equivocate. He tells it like it is—a dose of raw, refreshing, honest truth that is sorely lacking today. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k is his antidote to the coddling, let’s-all-feel-good mindset that has infected American society and spoiled a generation, rewarding them with gold medals just for showing up.

    Manson makes the argument, backed both by academic research and well-timed poop jokes, that improving our lives hinges not on our ability to turn lemons into lemonade, but on learning to stomach lemons better. Human beings are flawed and limited—"not everybody can be extraordinary, there are winners and losers in society, and some of it is not fair or your fault." Manson advises us to get to know our limitations and accept them. Once we embrace our fears, faults, and uncertainties, once we stop running and avoiding and start confronting painful truths, we can begin to find the courage, perseverance, honesty, responsibility, curiosity, and forgiveness we seek.

    There are only so many things we can give a f**k about so we need to figure out which ones really matter, Manson makes clear. While money is nice, caring about what you do with your life is better, because true wealth is about experience. A much-needed grab-you-by-the-shoulders-and-look-you-in-the-eye moment of real-talk, filled with entertaining stories and profane, ruthless humor, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k is a refreshing slap for a generation to help them lead contented, grounded lives.


    domenica 25 aprile 2021

    La vena verde di Alessio Arena (I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni)

    «“La morte è la vergogna che avvelena la vita di chi resta”. Lo diceva mio padre, quando mi guardava scomparire nel materasso. E piangere, pensando alle opinioni dei signori.Chi muore, almeno, non deve più curarsene.Mi capita ancora di ripensare al soffitto della mia stanza in quella casa. Un intonaco bianco, con una vena verde. Amavo navigarla con gli occhi da una punta all’altra per ore e ore.Era il mio rifugio, il mio vantaggio su quel mondo tremendo di padri e padroni sovrapposti”»


    Alessio Arena è nato a Palermo il 12 ottobre 1996. Nel 2018 si è laureato in Lettere presso l’Università degli Studi di Palermo. Nel 2020, in anticipo di un anno accademico, ha conseguito la Laurea Magistrale in Scienze storiche presso l’Università “La Sapienza” di Roma. Dal 2018 conduce «La biblioteca di Babele», rubrica di lingua e cultura italiana trasmessa dalla Radio Nazionale argentina. Dal 2018 è collaboratore della sezione «lingua italiana» di Treccani. Dallo stesso anno è Ambasciatore del C. P. per il Club per l’Unesco di Matera attraverso il progetto «Distributori di Poesia». Dal 2019 è cultore di storia del costume presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo. Dal 2020 è cultore di letteratura e filosofia del teatro, di storia dello spettacolo e di storia del cinema e del video presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma. Ha ricevuto numerosi premi e riconoscimenti a livello internazionale tra cui nel 2016 il I Premio Internazionale «Salvatore Quasimodo», nel 2018 il Premio «Virgilio Giordano», il Premio «Italia Giovane» a Roma e nel 2019 il Premio Internazionale della World Poetry Conference in India. Ha pubblicato, fino ad oggi, nove libri, tra cui cinque raccolte di poesie e due saggi. Alcune sue opere sono state tradotte in spagnolo e in arabo.

    Postfazione di Fabrizio Catalano

    In copertina opera di Mattia Pirandello

    Info link



    Dolce casa di Wendy Erskine (Edizioni Atlantide)

    Geographical Norway store on Amazon (shop now)

    35 borghi imperdibili della Valle d'Aosta di Stefano Camanni



    Un libro per conoscere e visitare 35 meravigliosi borghi della Valle d'Aosta, una regione che è uno scrigno prezioso, protetto dalle montagne più alte e spettacolari d'Europa. Ma oltre alle straordinarie ricchezze naturalistiche e paesaggistiche, che hanno reso la Vallée una meta privilegiata di turismo estivo e invernale, la regione più piccola d'Italia conserva un patrimonio di piccoli centri urbani che ha pochi eguali: gioielli intatti, spesso nascosti o poco conosciuti, unici per storia, architettura, contesto ambientale. Antichi castelli, edilizia alpina, capolavori d'arte, cultura materiale e prodotti tipici unici. Da Pont-Saint-Martin a Gressoney-Saint-Jean, da Champorcher ad Antagnod, da Introd a Morgex, dalla valle centrale alle vallate laterali. Per ogni borgo, approfondimenti tematici per conoscere meglio i luoghi, schede tecniche con cartine, tutte le informazioni utili per la visita, un apparato iconografico realizzato ad hoc.

    La cucina della Val d'Aosta in 300 ricette tradizionali di Emilia Valli



    In 300 ricette tradizionali Il patrimonio gastronomico che non ti aspetti I prodotti migliori della terra al servizio di una cucina tipica Molti la conoscono come un paradiso della natura e della civiltà, ma non tutti sanno che di sublime la Valle d'Aosta vanta anche il patrimonio gastronomico. Le rastrelliere di legno che raccolgono le forme di pane, bianco, giallo e nero; il fuoco sempre acceso per cuocere minestre, zuppe, insaccati e carni, i paioli di rame neri di fumo che si trasformano in magico crogiolo per la polenta giallo-oro che staziona, bofonchiando impaziente: la civiltà della tavola della regione è sommessa e al tempo stesso nobile. Dagli orti, dai campi, dai frutteti provengono prodotti semplici e antichi; dai boschi, funghi, castagne, frutti selvatici; dalle pendici cacciagione regale. E dai vigneti, tra i più elevati d'Europa, vini deliziosi per colore, profumo e assaggio, indispensabili, come nessun altro, per accompagnare le appetitose vivande: crostoni con la fonduta, crocchette di fontina, jambon de bosses, lardo di Arnad, mocetta, cannelloni, tortelloni e tagliatelle alla valdostana, favu, viandon, caillettes, camoscio stufato, capriolo, soça a la cogneintze, purè di noci fresche e, per finire, ciambelline d'Aosta, coppette di Monte Bianco, torcetti di Saint Vincent, torta cretobleintze e altre dolci prelibatezze.

    101 cose da fare in Valle d'Aosta almeno una volta nella vita di Katja Centomo e Fabio Piacentini



    Il trekking, le alte vie, i rifugi, le imprese alpinistiche, i castelli, la geologia, la meteorologia, i fiori di alta quota, le cascate di ghiaccio, le piste da sci... Di guide dedicate alla Valle d'Aosta ne esistono di tutti i tipi e di tutti i formati. Ma questa è una guida che vuole aggiungere un tocco di umanità a una terra troppo spesso imprigionata nelle immagini delle vette innevate da cartolina. Si propone infatti di offrire a chi ci è già stato e a chi vi si avventura per la prima volta le prospettive giuste per innamorarsi di una regione magica, la più piccola d'Italia, che ha da raccontare molto più di quanto si pensi. Ecco allora 101 suggerimenti per godere appieno le straordinarie bellezze del territorio e per conoscere le tipiche usanze del popolo valdostano: 101 spunti e sorprendenti curiosità che dipingono con affetto e ironia il volto reale e genuino di una terra ancora troppo poco conosciuta. Il trekking, le alte vie, i rifugi, le imprese alpinistiche, i castelli, la geologia, la meteorologia, i fiori di alta quota, le cascate di ghiaccio, le piste da sci...

    A piccoli passi tra i laghi della Val d'Aosta di Annalisa Porporato e Franco Voglino



    Gli affascinanti e talvolta selvaggi laghi alpini sono un richiamo in tutte le stagioni. I 35 itinerari proposti vi porteranno alla scoperta dei laghi della Val d'Aosta con facili camminate nella natura adatte a tutta la famiglia. Passerete in ampi prati popolati da placide mucche, vi addentrerete in parchi ricchi di fauna, attraverserete ampie valli panoramiche, sarete al cospetto di ghiacciai eterni e cascate. E arrivati a destinazione il divertimento per i bambini e i ragazzi continua: potranno immergere i piedi, pescare, lanciare le pietre facendole rimbalzare sul pelo dell'acqua e tanto altro. Gli autori hanno percorso tutti gli itinerari insieme alla loro figlia Nora e forniscono indicazioni dettagliate riguardo la difficoltà, il dislivello e il tempo di percorrenza; non mancano consigli su come muoversi e vestirsi e dove rivolgersi in caso di emergenza.

    I 50 sentieri più belli della Valle d'Aosta di Stefano Ardito e Cesare Re



    Sullo sfondo ci sono i giganti delle Alpi: il Monte Bianco, il Monte Rosa, il Gran Paradiso, il Cervino. Ai loro piedi si scoprono ghiacciai, cascate e torrenti, infinite distese di pascoli, fitti boschi di larici. Un mondo dove chi cammina può incontrare marmotte, aquile, camosci, straordinarie fioriture. E naturalmente gli stambecchi, che il Parco del Gran Paradiso ha salvato dall’estinzione. Ma la Valle d’Aosta, come tutte le Alpi, ospita l’uomo da millenni. Nelle valli, e spesso lungo i sentieri, si scoprono borghi suggestivi e castelli, strade romane, chiese e cappelle affrescate, le mulattiere di caccia di re Vittorio Emanuele II, le malghe utilizzate da secoli dagli allevatori e dal loro bestiame. I rifugi alpini, mete privilegiate degli escursionisti, raccontano al visitatore di oggi secoli di avventure ad alta quota.

    Microsoft Teams For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech)) by Rosemarie Withee



    Work seamlessly together with Microsoft Teams  

    It was only a matter of time before Microsoft 365 built an actual virtual office. And Microsoft Teams is it, rocketing from 13 to 75 million daily users in a single year. The new edition of Microsoft Teams For Dummies gives you an in-depth introductory tour through the latest version of the app, exploring the many different ways you can chat, call, meet, work remotely, and collaborate with others in real time―whether you’re using it as an all-in-one tool for working from home or as an extension to your brick-and-mortar office. Available as a stand-alone app or as part of Microsoft 365, it allows you to work seamlessly with almost any other Microsoft app.  

    The friendly onboarding provided by this book takes you from the basics of file-sharing, organizing teams, and using video to must-have insights into less obvious functionality, such as posting the same message to multiple channels, muffling background noise (useful if you’re working from home!), and choosing more than one feed to concentrate on when video-conferencing (allowing you to pay attention to the speaker and your team members at the same time). As well as clueing you in on how things work, you’ll also find advice on the most effective ways of using them, with best-practices recommendations and tips on integrating Microsoft Teams into your existing workflows.   

    • Set up the interface 
    • Communicate on chat and video, inside and outside your org 
    • Integrate Microsoft Teams with your other Office apps 
    • Optimize your approach to meetings, working across large teams, and more!  

    Whether you’re using Microsoft Teams for work, within your family, or for a collaborative hobby, you’ll find everything you need to get everyone on the same page in the same virtual room.  


    Stock Investing for Dummies by Paul Mladjenovic



    The bestselling guide to holding steady through the stock market's highs, lows, and stable stretches

    When you decide to jump into the stock market, there’s a lot to know. Stock Investing For Dummies covers the factual and emotional aspects of putting your money into stocks. In clear, easy-to-understand language, this book explains the numbers behind the stocks, the different categories of stocks, and strategies for building a solid portfolio. On the flip side, it also addresses the emotional aspects of investing: setting goals, knowing when to sell, and balancing risk vs. return.

    For nearly a century, the well-to-do have been building their wealth by investing in stocks. Here’s your opportunity to do the same. The sooner you start investing, the sooner you’ll see your money grow. Make that a reality by discovering:

    • Approaches for investing for income or growth
    • Steps for evaluating your financial health, setting financial goals, and funding your first purchases
    • How to read stock tables and pull information out of stock charts
    • What to look for on balance sheets, income statements, and annual reports to choose strong performers
    • Advice for minimizing losses and maximizing gains
    • Tax implications and how to reduce their impact on your earnings
    • Suggestions on what to do and buy in a down market

    Put all of this information together, and you have a straightforward resource that helps you build and manage a portfolio that will serve you well for years to come. Stock Investing For Dummies gives you the confidence you need to send your portfolio soaring!


    Investing For Dummies, 9th Edition by Eric Tyson




    • Pick winning stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs
    • Develop and manage your portfolio through all economies
    • Invest in real estate and small business

    Time-tested investing advice to secure your future

    Investing for your future is wise and essential. Of course, you want to make solid investment choices and minimize mistakes. This updated, best-selling guide educates you on investing concepts and lingo so you can make the best decisions in all economies and markets. Understanding how to find and make smart investments is a skill that can be learned, and this book by money-pro Eric Tyson will help you by discovering how to weigh risk vs. return, offering tips on choosing stocks and funds, getting started in real estate and small business, and so much more.


    • Selecting investments wisely
    • Increasing your wealth through stocks and funds
    • Understanding tax laws and their impact on investing
    • Choosing a brokerage firm
    • Investing in a home and other real estate
    • Discovering how politics and policy affect your money

    The Military Guide to Armageddon: Battle-Tested Strategies to Prepare Your Life and Soul for the End Times by Col. David J. Giammona, Troy Anderson , et others

    Arborists' Certification Study Guide by Sharon J. Lilly



    The third edition of the study guide is now in living color! This fully-illustrated third edition of the study guide is a must-have for ISA Certified Arborist candidates, and provides a strong foundation and reference for all tree care professionals. (2010, softcover, 352 pp., 325 full-color illustrations, glossary, index) Each chapter contains: learning objectives key terms text with illustrations and photos workbook section challenge questions sample test questions bibliography of related resources Features: A complete, educational text and study resource designed to help you prepare for the ISA Certified Arborist exam Expanded chapters with latest information New chapter - Urban Forestry - which discusses the management of larger populations of trees in the urban area 325 full-color images Comprehensive glossary of arboricultural terms and a valuable list of additional resources

    Green's 2021 Trader Tax Guide by Robert A. Green CPA



    Use Green’s 2021 Trader Tax Guide to receive every trader tax break you’re entitled to on your 2020 tax returns. Our 2021 guide covers the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and the 2020 CARES Act’s impact on investors, traders, and investment managers. Learn various smart moves to make in 2021. Whether you self-prepare your tax returns or engage a CPA firm, this guide can help you through the process of optimizing your tax savings. Even though it may be too late for some tax breaks on 2020 tax returns, you can still use this guide to execute these tax strategies and elections for tax-year 2021. The 18 chapters cover trader tax status, Section 475 MTM, tax treatment (equities, 1256 contracts, options, ETFs, ETNs, forex, precious metals, cryptocurrencies, etc.), accounting for trading gains and losses, trading business expenses, tips for preparing tax returns, tax planning, entity solutions, retirement plan strategies, IRS and state tax controversy, traders in tax court, proprietary trading, investment management, international tax, Obamacare taxes, short selling, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and the CARES Act and subsequent pandemic relief bill.

    EMRA Antibiotic Guide, 19th Edition by MD Brian J. Levine



    The EMRA Antibiotic Guide, 19th edition is a must-have quick reference guide to antibiotic use in the emergency department. The guide helps you navigate the multitude of choices in antibiotics quickly and efficiently so you can offer your patients the best care based on the latest guidelines. With this go-to resource you can protect against overprescribing, address pediatric dosage questions, examine penicillin usage, and stay up-to-date on new approvals and guidance from the FDA.

    Released in 2020 with the latest antibiotic guidelines, this pocket-sized antibiotic guide from EMRA is your essential tool.

    • Convenient pocket size for an essential must-have in the emergency department
    • Color coded and organized alphabetically by organ system
    • Sections on "special topics" to make reference quick and easy for a particular disease process
    • Includes pediatric dosage and latest FDA approvals and guidance


    Contractor's Pricing Guide with RSMeans Data 2021: Residential Repair & Remodeling Costs (Means Contractor's Pricing Guide: Residential Repair & Remodeling Costs) by Thomas Lane



    The data inside this book gives you total unit price costs for every aspect of the most common repair and remodeling projects, in a format organized for the way you build - from frame to finish. It covers every step needed to complete each task, and includes demolition, installation, painting, cleaning and more.

    ACHIEVER: Exam Prep Guide for AP European History by Christopher Freiler



    The most well-respected, teacher-recommended guide to the AP European History exam is back and better than ever! Written by a long-time leader in the AP Euro community, ACHIEVER is meticulously crafted to the AP Euro course and exam to ensure a standard of excellence that far surpasses the “premium” products that big-box publishers crank out year after year. The new Third Edition, now published by Sherpa Learning, has been updated to align to the latest College Board standards for the redesigned course, and expanded to include hundreds of new test items complete with answer explanations and sample responses.

    A Concise Catholic Guide to the Bible: Understand Scripture through Summaries, Maps & Timelines Part of: Firm Catholic Foundation series (1 Books) | by Father Matthew Nathan

    Social Work Licensing Clinical Exam Guide: A Comprehensive Guide for Success (3rd Edition) – Includes Interactive Digital Prep for the ASWB Social Work Clinical Exam by Dawn Apgar PhD LSW ACSW



    "Features improved ASWB exam prep strategies, expanded analysis of exam content, and proven test-taking tips!

    The third edition of the bestselling acclaimed exam guide for the ASWB Social Work Clinical Exam has been thoroughly updated to reflect current practice and core knowledge tested on the exam. Recognized for its unique test-taking tips and strategies, Dawn Apgar’s complete review of the Knowledge Skills and Abilities (KSAs) across the core social work content areas helps readers discover gaps in their knowledge so they can identify strengths and target weak areas. Included with every print purchase is a bonus 170-question practice test that mirrors the actual exam in length and structure, plus explains correct answers. KSAs are identified for each question so test-takers can easily locate relevant source material for further study.

    This Dawn Apgar guide for the Social Work Licensing Clinical Exam is the best test-taking package available, ensuring success by providing invaluable tips on how to parse the questions, overcome test anxiety, avoid common pitfalls, and assess your own learning style - all of which help to foster exam confidence. The new updated third edition not only reflects the 2018 test blueprint but is significantly revised and reformatted to help test-takers pass the exam on the first try. Revised content includes content on racial/cultural groups, NASW Code of Ethics, including the ethical use of technology, and gender diversity.

    New to the Third Edition:

    • How to Use This Guide - brand new chapter focused on how the book’s content structure links to the ASWB blueprint and how to use for more efficient study
    • Examination Overview - expanded discussion and analysis of exam content
    • Exam Preparation Strategies - new content focused on essential strategies for success, how to deal with test anxiety, and how to maximize content retention based on learning styles
    • Test Taking Tips - a favorite with test takers, this feature has been updated to be more even more helpful
    • New Content - revised content on race, ethnicity, and culture, and macro practice

    ExamPrepConnect Features:
    • All the high-quality content from the book
    • Personalized study plan based on exam date
    • Ability to study by topic area to identify strengths and weaknesses
    • Full 4-hour timed practice test that simulates the test-taking environment
    • Discussion board to connect with the social work exam-prep community
    • Games to make studying fun

    Key Features:
    • Authoritative - developed and written by a renowned social work educator who has helped thousands of test takers pass the exam through her workshops and books
    • Blueprints - provides a thorough content review of the ASWB exam core content areas, perfectly weighted to match licensing blueprints
    • Self-assessment - begins with a self-assessment to help identify areas of strength and weakness
    • Practice Test - includes a 170-question full practice test mirroring the actual exam with detailed explanations of correct answers
    • Complete Learning Package - purchase of print edition includes digital access to entire book contents plus fully interactive Q&A to help identify strengths and weaknesses
    • Digital access - Content available digitally via ExamPrepConnect for study on the go
    • Publisher: Springer Publishing Company"


    2021 Certified Specialist of Wine Study Guide by Jane Nickles



    An educational resource published by the Society of Wine Educators. Intended for use by candidates preparing to take the Certified Specialist of Wine (CSW) Exam. This study guide is published by the Society of Wine Educators and is, along with the accompanying workbook, the official study material published and approved by the Society of Wine Educators for its Certified Specialist of Wine Exam.

    Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses Part of: Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses (1 Books) | by April Hazard Vallerand PhD RN FAAN and Cynthia A. Sanoski BS PharmD BCPS FCCP




    #1 DRUG BOOK for Nursing Students! “This is the perfect drug book for nursing school! All the information on the meds is in-depth and all that you need to know.”Abby W.


    Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses®, Seventeenth Edition delivers all the information you need to administer medications safely across the lifespan—well-organized monographs for hundreds of generic and thousands of trade-name drugs.


    Redeem the access code to unlock your one-year, free subscription to DrugGuide.com, Davis’s Drug Guide Online, powered by Unbound Medicine. You’ll have access to more than 1,700 monographs from your desktop, laptop, or any mobile device with a web browser.

    • Search the complete 5,000-drug database and appendices quickly and efficiently.
    • Build your knowledge with extensively cross-referenced drugs.
    • Keep up to date with FDA drug news.


    • New! The AGS Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults
    • #1 Drug Guide for patient safety
      • Red tab for high alert medications, plus in-depth high alert and patient safety coverage
      • Red, capitalized letters for life-threatening side effects
      • REMS (Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies) icon
      • Drug-drug, drug-food, drug-natural product interactions
    • Special considerations for patient populations.
      • Geri heading identifies special concerns for older adults.
      • OB and Lact headings highlight information for pregnant and breastfeeding patients.
      • Pedi heading identifies concerns for children.
      • Rep heading identifies considerations for patients of reproductive age.
    • IV Administration subheads
    • Pharmacogenomic content
    • Canadian-specific content
    • In-depth guidance for patient and family teaching


    Online at FADavis.com

    • Audio Library of 1,200+ drug names help you pronounce important terms
    • Two tutorials, each with a self-test
      • Preventing Medication Errors
      • Psychotropic Drugs
    • Easy-to-Use Calculators
      • Body mass index (BMI)
      • Metric conversions
      • IV drip rates
      • Dosage/KG
      • Fahrenheit/Celsius
    • Interactive Case Studies – brief, real-life scenarios that are followed by a series of questions
    • Audio podcasts delivering information on…
      • Risk Evaluation Mitigation Systems (REMS)
      • How to use Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses®
      • Detecting and managing ADRs
      • Evidence-based practice and Pharmacotherapeutics
      • Pharmacogenomics
      • Medication errors
      • Special dosing considerations
      • Educating patients about Safe Medication Use
    • Video clips illustrating the safe administration of medications


    Five Stars. “I LOVE that this includes nursing interventions, patient teaching and an online access code. Highly recommend.”—E.G.

    Accurate and up to date. “Top notch for nursing students! Includes many things other drug guides l

    A Beginner's Guide to America: For the Immigrant and the Curious by Roya Hakakian



    A stirring, witty, and poignant glimpse into the bewildering American immigrant experience from someone who has lived it. Also, a mirror held up to America.

    Into the maelstrom of unprecedented contemporary debates about immigrants in the United States, this perfectly timed book gives us a portrait of what the new immigrant experience in America is really like. Written as a "guide" for the newly arrived, and providing "practical information and advice," Roya Hakakian, an immigrant herself, reveals what those who settle here love about the country, what they miss about their homes, the cruelty of some Americans, and the unceasing generosity of others. She captures the texture of life in a new place in all its complexity, laying bare both its beauty and its darkness as she discusses race, sex, love, death, consumerism, and what it is like to be from a country that is in America's crosshairs. Her tenderly perceptive and surprisingly humorous account invites us to see ourselves as we appear to others, making it possible for us to rediscover our many American gifts through the perspective of the outsider. In shattering myths and embracing painful contradictions that are unique to this place, A Beginner's Guide to America is Hakakian's candid love letter to America.

    The Zoologist's Guide to the Galaxy: What Animals on Earth Reveal About Aliens--and Ourselves by Arik Kershenbaum



    From a noted Cambridge zoologist, a wildly fun and scientifically sound exploration of what alien life must be like, using universal laws that govern life on Earth and in space.

    Scientists are confident that life exists elsewhere in the universe. Yet rather than taking a realistic approach to what aliens might be like, we imagine that life on other planets is the stuff of science fiction. The time has come to abandon our fantasies of space invaders and movie monsters and place our expectations on solid scientific footing.

    But short of aliens landing in New York City, how do we know what they are like? Using his own expert understanding of life on Earth and Darwin's theory of evolution--which applies throughout the universe--Cambridge zoologist Dr. Arik Kershenbaum explains what alien life must be like: how these creatures will move, socialize, and communicate. For example, by observing fish whose electrical pulses indicate social status, we can see that other planets might allow for communication by electricity. As there was evolutionary pressure to wriggle along a sea floor, Earthling animals tend to have left/right symmetry; on planets where creatures evolved in midair or in soupy tar, they might be lacking any symmetry at all.

    Might there be an alien planet with supersonic animals? A moon where creatures have a language composed of smells? Will aliens scream with fear, act honestly, or have technology? The Zoologist's Guide to the Galaxy answers these questions using the latest science to tell the story of how life really works, on Earth and in space.

    The Professional's Guide to Planning, Managing, and Providing Secure Transportation by Joseph Autera



    From the dawn of time, keeping others safe from harm has primarily been an exercise in assessing and managing risks. Those who have excelled at identifying risks and figuring out ways to eliminate as many of those risks as possible, while effectively managing those which remain have not only survived but flourished within the secure transportation profession.Since 218 A.D., when a carriage in which Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huang was traveling was attacked by a hammer wielding would-be assassin, the security professionals responsible for managing the safety and security risks faced by public figures - ranging from corporate executives and government officials to entertainers and high net worth individuals - have come to understand a universal truth. The highest risk period of time for those they are responsible for protecting is when they are moving from one location to another by vehicle.Relying on lessons learned from decades of planning, managing, and providing secure transportation, as well as training others to do the same, this book explores the strategies and tactics that have been proven effective at providing the framework needed to successfully manage and mitigate those risks.

    Sharing the Covers: Every Couple's Guide to Better Sleep by Wendy M. Troxel PhD



    Help your relationships and your body with this definitive guide on sleep for couples—with proven strategies to improve both sleep and relationship health—by a clinical psychologist named as one of the top experts on the science of sleep.

    Dr. Wendy Troxel is a clinical psychologist and behavioral sleep specialist whose work is frequently cited in major media outlets as well as in recent bestselling books like Arianna Huffington's The Sleep Revolution and Dr. Matthew Walker's Why We Sleep. Dr. Troxel's mission is teaching couples to prioritize sleep and helping them find solutions to maximize the sleep quality for both partners, whether sleeping together or apart.

    Dr. Troxel says "Great sleep is the new great sex." In Sharing the Covers, she shows couples how vital it is to "sleep like your relationship depends on it"—because in many cases, it does. With popular science and an in-depth understanding of a couple's relationship to sleep and to each other on her side, Dr. Troxel leads couples through an entirely different kind of sleep book. She tells readers how to:

    • Manage sleep cycles and sleep disorders
    • Maintain a healthy sex life
    • Decide on whether to ask for a "sleep divorce" and more
    A good night's sleep is critical to any relationship. Whether it's stress, snoring, or insomnia that's keeping you up, Sharing the Covers will help couples get back to sleep and get back to each other.


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