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domenica 28 marzo 2021

Le ali sulla pelle di Franco Filiberto



È da poco spuntata l’alba quando, in un parco pubblico ancora semi deserto, viene trovato il corpo esanime di un uomo: morte per cause naturali, sentenzia il medico legale arrivato sul posto, nessuna evidenza di reato per la polizia che fa trasportare il cadavere all’obitorio. Ordinaria amministrazione. Ma allora perché il commissario Pandolfi viene chiamato d’urgenza all’istituto di medicina legale? Cosa è cambiato in così poche ore? Chi è quell’uomo, da dove viene e perché il suo corpo è pieno di vecchie cicatrici? Molte domande alle quali il commissario dovrà dare una risposta. La ricerca della verità porterà Pandolfi in un mondo sfuggente, pieno d'insidie e di sospetti, ma l’enigma deve essere svelato, un enigma che affonda le sue radici in un luogo e in un tempo molto lontani.
L'autore: Franco Filiberto è nato nel luglio del 1948. Per circa dieci anni è stato ufficiale presso la Brigata Paracadutisti Folgore a Pisa e Livorno. Attualmente vive e lavora a Pisa dove svolge l’attività di pubblicitario. Suoi racconti sono presenti in varie raccolte e antologie. Nel 2016 ha pubblicato “Di nuvole, brugole e altri misteri”, premiato al “Festival Internazionale Giallo Garda” nella categoria ebook. Nel 2017 ha pubblicato con Arpeggio Libero Editrice il thriller “La mossa del gambero” e, con la Oakmond Publishing, tre racconti gialli. Sono del 2019 “Via Roma 18. AAA Assassino cercasi” e “Zic. Il misterioso caso del graffitaro scomparso”. Il suo thriller “Le ali sulla pelle”, già premiato al “Festival Internazionale Giallo Garda” e al “Holmes Awards”, è alla sua seconda edizione.

Un autunno di tenerezza di Giampiero Momi



Clementine Phillis, a cinquantotto anni, sente più che mai l’età avanzare verso un inesorabile declino. Invecchiare per lei è una vera e propria fobia, alla quale tenta di opporsi con ogni mezzo, in una lotta titanica che però, lo sa, è destinata al fallimento. Eppure Clementine è una donna di successo: con volontà, fatica e intelligenza ha saputo raggiungere gli obiettivi più alti della sua carriera. Ma la gratificazione del lavoro non basta a colmare un vuoto dentro di lei, un vuoto che si è aperto con la morte del padre e si è approfondito trent’anni prima, con la perdita di suo figlio a soli quattro anni. Da allora, Clementine ha cercato inutilmente di riempire quella voragine con una lunga serie di relazioni, dal suo primo amore, al marito, agli amanti, fino all’approdo tra le braccia di Max, che finalmente sembra quello giusto. Grazie a lui, Clementine imparerà ad accettarsi e si aprirà a qualcosa che non avrebbe mai immaginato: una nuova maternità.

Le cose belle sono curve di Marco Braico (Piemme)



Il primo giorno di scuola per Alberto, professore di matematica e fisica al liceo, è indimenticabile, ogni anno. Quello che in giugno sembra impossibile, i comportamenti insopportabili degli alunni e dei colleghi, il programma ripetuto fino alla nausea, in settembre pare trasformarsi. Non più un ostacolo, ma un'opportunità. Ed è con questo atteggiamento che varca le porte della scuola in cui insegna da tempo, pronto alle battute dei ragazzi, alla ritualità dei giorni sempre uguali a se stessi e sempre diversi. Quest'anno, però, le cose non vanno come dovrebbero: è solo un piccolo particolare stonato, in grado però di trasformare quella bella giornata. Serena, collega bellissima e irraggiungibile, suo amore segreto da sempre, ma soprattutto grande amica, è diversa, non ricambia i suoi sorrisi, non risponde ai suoi messaggi. Serena nasconde un segreto, qualcosa che non ha nulla a che fare con lui e che la rende ogni giorno più triste e distratta. Dopo molta insistenza, Alberto riesce a farsi confessare il motivo di tanto turbamento. E la verità è sconcertante. Spetterà a lui starle accanto come mai avrebbe pensato, perché stare vicino a chi soffre è difficile. L'istinto è quello di scappare, come se il male dell'altro potesse in qualche modo intaccare la nostra vita, come una malattia. Alberto si accorgerà di quanto l'amicizia in certe stagioni della vita possa avere la stessa importanza dell'amore e di quanta forza una donna, una madre possa sprigionare dal suo piccolo cuore. Un romanzo sull'amore, l'amicizia, la paura della perdita, la scuola, dalla penna di un autore sempre attento a raccontare con leggerezza e profondità insieme la caduta e la rinascita di ogni esistenza, anche la più dolorosa.

La figurante di Pauline Klein (Carbonio editrice)



In un romanzo tanto audace quanto divertente, Pauline Klein racconta la storia di una giovane donna, Camille, che "piuttosto che abbaiare chi era, avrebbe sussurrato il suo essere": vuole avere il diritto di entrare attraverso porte proibite, entrare in luoghi stranieri, avere il diritto di dormire con lo sconosciuto di fronte a lei, non ascoltare il rumore del mondo, ma solo il suo. Epigona del recalcitrante scrivano di Melville (come dimenticare il suo celebre "I would prefer not to"), Camille oppone una resistenza tanto risoluta quanto passiva alla società e ai suoi diktat, ai ruoli che a trent'anni s'impongono: dovrà accettarli e "giocare alla vita"? Oppure no?

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (Chiron Academic Press - The Original Authoritative Edition) by Ludwig Wittgenstein



THE TRACTATUS LOGICO-PHILOSOPHICUS is the only book-length philosophical work published by the Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein in his lifetime. The project had a broad aim - to identify the relationship between language and reality and to define the limits of science - and is recognized as a significant philosophical work of the twentieth century. Wittgenstein wrote the notes for the Tractatus while he was a soldier during World War I and completed it when a prisoner of war at Como and later Cassino in August 1918. It was first published in German in 1921 as 'Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlung'. The Tractatus was influential chiefly amongst the logical positivists of the Vienna Circle, such as Rudolf Carnap and Friedrich Waismann. Bertrand Russell's article "The Philosophy of Logical Atomism" is presented as a working out of ideas that he had learned from Wittgenstein. (more on: www.wisehouse-classisc.com)

Philosophical Investigations 4th Edition by Ludwig Wittgenstein



Incorporating significant editorial changes from earlier editions, the fourth edition of Ludwig Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations is the definitive en face German-English version of the most important work of 20th-century philosophy

  • The extensively revised English translation incorporates many hundreds of changes to Anscombe’s original translation
  • Footnoted remarks in the earlier editions have now been relocated in the text
  • What was previously referred to as ‘Part 2’ is now republished as Philosophy of Psychology – A Fragment, and all the remarks in it are numbered for ease of reference
  • New detailed editorial endnotes explain decisions of translators and identify references and allusions in Wittgenstein's original text
  • Now features new essays on the history of the Philosophical Investigations, and the problems of translating Wittgenstein’s text


Notes of a Dirty Old Man by Charles Bukowski



A compilation of Charles Bukowski's underground articles from his column "Notes of a Dirty Old Man" appears here in book form. Bukowski's reasoning for self-describing himself as a 'dirty old man' rings true in this book.

"People come to my door—too many of them really—and knock to tell me Notes of a Dirty Old Man turns them on. A bum off the road brings in a gypsy and his wife and we talk . . . . drink half the night. A long distance operator from Newburgh, N.Y. sends me money. She wants me to give up drinking beer and to eat well. I hear from a madman who calls himself 'King Arthur' and lives on Vine Street in Hollywood and wants to help me write my column. A doctor comes to my door: 'I read your column and think I can help you. I used to be a psychiatrist.' I send him away . . ."

"Bukowski writes like a latter-day Celine, a wise fool talking straight from the gut about the futility and beauty of life . . ." —Publishers Weekly

"These disjointed stories gives us a glimpse into the brilliant and highly disturbed mind of a man who will drink anything, hump anything and say anything without the slightest tinge of embarassment, shame or remorse. It's actually pretty hard not to like the guy after reading a few of these semi-ranting short stories." —Greg Davidson, curiculummag.com

Charles Bukowski was born in Andernach, Germany on August 16, 1920, the only child of an American soldier and a German mother. Bukowski published his first story when he was twenty-four and began writing poetry at the age of thirty-five. His first book of poetry was published in 1959; he went on to publish more than forty-five books of poetry and prose, including Pulp (Black Sparrow, 1994), Screams from the Balcony: Selected Letters 1960-1970 (1993), and The Last Night of the Earth Poems (1992). Other Bukowski books published by City Lights Publishers include More Notes of a Dirty Old Man, The Most Beautiful Woman in Town, Tales of Ordinary Madness, Portions from a Wine-Stained Notebook, and Absence of the Hero. He died of leukemia in San Pedro on March 9, 1994.


Shuggie Bain: A Novel by Douglas Stuart





Shuggie Bain is the unforgettable story of young Hugh “Shuggie” Bain, a sweet and lonely boy who spends his 1980s childhood in run-down public housing in Glasgow, Scotland. Thatcher’s policies have put husbands and sons out of work, and the city’s notorious drugs epidemic is waiting in the wings.

Shuggie’s mother Agnes walks a wayward path: she is Shuggie’s guiding light but a burden for him and his siblings. She dreams of a house with its own front door while she flicks through the pages of the Freemans catalogue, ordering a little happiness on credit, anything to brighten up her grey life. Married to a philandering taxi-driver husband, Agnes keeps her pride by looking good—her beehive, make-up, and pearly-white false teeth offer a glamorous image of a Glaswegian Elizabeth Taylor. But under the surface, Agnes finds increasing solace in drink, and she drains away the lion’s share of each week’s benefits—all the family has to live on—on cans of extra-strong lager hidden in handbags and poured into tea mugs. Agnes’s older children find their own ways to get a safe distance from their mother, abandoning Shuggie to care for her as she swings between alcoholic binges and sobriety. Shuggie is meanwhile struggling to somehow become the normal boy he desperately longs to be, but everyone has realized that he is “no right,” a boy with a secret that all but him can see. Agnes is supportive of her son, but her addiction has the power to eclipse everyone close to her—even her beloved Shuggie.

A heartbreaking story of addiction, sexuality, and love, Shuggie Bain is an epic portrayal of a working-class family that is rarely seen in fiction. Recalling the work of Édouard Louis, Alan Hollinghurst, Frank McCourt, and Hanya Yanagihara, it is a blistering debut by a brilliant novelist who has a powerful and important story to tell.


The End of Me (New York Review Books Classics) by Alfred Hayes



A moving tale about middle age, divorce, modern love, and returning home by one of the great American storytellers.

Asher’s career as a Hollywood screenwriter has come to a humiliating end; so has his latest marriage. Returning to New York, where he grew up, he takes a room at a hotel and wonders what, well into middle age as he is, he should do next. It’s not a question of money; it’s a question of purpose, maybe of pride. In the company of the arch young poet Michael, Asher revisits the streets and tenements of the Lower East Side where he spent his childhood, though little remains of the past. Michael introduces Asher to Aurora, perhaps his girlfriend, who, to Asher’s surprise, seems bent on pursuing him, too. Soon the older man and his edgy young companions are caught up in a slow, strange, almost ritualized dance of deceit and desire.

The End of Me, a successor to Hayes’s In Love and My Face for the World to See, can be seen as the final panel of a triptych in which Alfred Hayes anatomizes, with a cool precision and laconic lyricism that are all his own, the failure of modern love. The last scene is the starkest of all.

Night Side of Dark by Caleb Pirtle III


American operative Ambrose Lincoln has no idea where he is or has been or where he's going. He believes he has been to the night side of dark, a place of the first death, from which no one can return. So why does he find himself on the bomb-ruined landscape of Poland, or has he been exiled to the second death? Lincoln only realizes, if the man in the shadows has not lied to him, he must find an ancient religious painting that has been missing for centuries. The German Gestapo will pay a fortune to buy it, or take a man's life to get it. The painting, if legend holds true, is the German hierarchy's final and only chance to escape the onslaught of the war that is crumbling around their feet.



A Mentor and Her Muse by Susan Sage



Under the guise of mentor and muse, a frustrated writer and her ambitious teenage protégé take an illicit summer road trip fraught with racial and sexual tension. This is a compelling psychological novel about social norms, artistic ambition, and obsession. Maggie Barnett works in the media center of a school in Flint, Michigan where she meets Taezha Riverton, an aspiring teenage writer. After discovering that Maggie is also a writer, Taezha turns to her as both mentor and friend. Alone and childless, it's not enough for Maggie to take Tae to restaurants and poetry slams. Although Tae’s mother has nothing against Maggie, she is less than thrilled when Maggie proposes to take her daughter on a summer road trip. Permission is never explicitly granted, but shortly after school is out for the summer, Maggie and Tae head for the Southeast.

Wild Willful Heart by W. Boone Hedgepeth



Take a wild megalomaniacal trip into the American spiritual and Cultural Revolution of the 1960s-1990s, as a young southern man gives fresh perspective to the propaganda, bad marriages, a collection of strange gurus and some bizarre mystical places. For many years, author W. Boone Hedgepeth was a magnet for unusual occurrences of an ethereal nature which vigorously affected the world around him. Suffering a life threatening illness and after a near death experience, Boone goes on an adrenalized journey from the American south and across the country seeking answers. Here, force of will and prayer are the proven best weapons against very unusual circumstances. Literally seeking the face of God, the author plunges into the magical medicine of his native ancestors, the new age metaphysical movement, Christian fundamentalism, and other wild and life-changing experiences before coming out of the fires to the other side.

Blue Gold by Lindsay Townsend




Ruling Upper Egypt from Thebes, Pharaoh Sekenenre has many enemies. Aweserre, whose grandfather seized the crown of Lower Egypt. Kamose and Ahhotpe, his son and daughter, who plot to rule in his place. And, most dangerous, the storm-god Set.
It is a time of famine. To prosper a man must be civilized and ruthless. Ramose, priest and Vizier, is all of these. Kasa, a farmer, must learn to be like him to survive. Neith, wife of Ramose, is driven, first to drink, then to courage. Hathor, who killed her son, finds love, desertion, then a second chance at love. Tiyi, the gentle masseuse, is desired by many, but desires only one.
Watched by the gods of Egypt, the conflict reaches its climax in war. The pyramids, a thousand years old when the story begins, play a crucial part. Behind all is the God Set, with his question: 'What am I?' 

THE PACKAGE: An International Thriller of Conspiracy, Murder and Betrayal by Bryan Quinn



For fans of Steve Berry novels, a riveting international mystery/thriller blending fact, fiction and history.

There aren't many things in this world Marco Arrigoni would kill for, but there are even fewer things he would die for. The secret of THE PACKAGE is one of them.

All hell breaks loose in Istanbul when Marco, a jaded priest, unearths in the subterranean depths of his medieval church a long-forgotten tomb containing incontrovertible evidence of an explosive conspiracy stretching back millennia. He joins forces with his friend and secret love, Aysel Bigili, an archeologist, to authenticate his find. Before long, they find themselves on a collision course with a ruthless enemy in the Vatican who will stop at nothing to prevent the truth of his epic discovery from ever seeing the light of day. Wrenched into a world of violence unprepared, Marco and Aysel are forced to battle wits with a fanatical adversary in the cause of truth, a truth so shocking that, if revealed,will demolish the very foundations of his faith and alter the destiny of humanity forever.


Lost Side of an Orphan's Moon: The Boom Town Saga, Book 3 by Caleb Pirtle III



The brilliantly conceived historical mystery will forever change the way you look at those who endured and survived hard times when the discovery of oil breathed hope into communities that were dying from burnt crops and wilted cotton stalks. As one reviewer said the award-winning Boom Town Saga, “Combine The Grapes of Wrath and maybe a little Huck Finn and perhaps you will understand the magnitude of this story set in a small town in East Texas in the Great Depression. It should go down as a classic in American literature.”An oil boom has broken the back of the Great Depression. A small East Texas town is awash with new names and new faces, and no one knows whose eyes belong to the man who carried a lovely fancy dancer from the ballroom of a Sporting House into the darkness of a rainy night and killed her. Was it a crime of passion? Did she reject him? Was it someone from her past? Or was he as unfamiliar as the next roustabout or drifter walking the streets? A preacher has set up the tent for his traveling Love and Salvation Show on the road beside the courthouse. A strange hunchback with a voice of doom casts an uneasy shadow across the town. Where did he come from? Nobody knows. Men are spending their hard-earned money with dime-a-dance girls, looking for love, a wife, or something more sinister. Everyone has a secret. Whose secret sent the lovely Louise Fontaine to a muddy grave?And who is the small boy who stepped off the train with a paper note attached to his coat that said: My name is Ollie Porter. My daddy is Oliver Porter. He works in the oilfields. Does anyone know where he is? Is the boy connected to the fancy dancer or, perhaps, the killer? Or is he just a waif in search of a home? Ashland is a town without law. It is threatening to explode from the mass of humanity crowding into the oilfield. Is the death of the fancy dancer only the first? And can Doc, the charming and lovable con man, and Eudora, the beautiful widow, catch a killer before they find out who’s the next to die?

Inappropriate by Sherry Morris



She hates discovering dead bodies.

By day, Sandra plucks trash off Cocoa Beach, points tourists to the restrooms and sometimes discovers dead bodies. By night, she’s a cozy mystery author wannabe.

Sandra has an aversion to cops, one homicide detective in particular. They have nothing in common except pheromones. She was eighteen the first time he kissed her and the last. Five years ago, he answered his cell and ran off to work, leaving her panting on the kitchen table with a hurricane looming.

Lieutenant Hottie is married to his career. He moved up the ranks early and engrossed himself in bringing murderers to justice. Serious relationships are out of the question, he’s too busy and not interested. The only woman he wants is off limits. He has built a wall around his heart and won’t let himself be hurt again.

Sandra is attending a writers conference aboard private rail cars. It was organized by the wife of a popular televangelist. The writers are traveling alongside devout Christians on their cross-country crusade. Sandra's overbearing mom has finagled a ticket to ride.

The morning before departure, Sandra finds a dead sailor on the beach. Aboard the train, Sandra must keep her lips off Lieutenant Hottie and unmask the killer before another soul derails.

You'll love this romantic comedy cozy mystery because right now, you deserve to step away from doing the right thing and just laugh inappropriately.

All Aboard!


This Is the Fire: What I Say to My Friends About Racism by Don Lemon




In this ‘vital book for these times’ (Kirkus Reviews), Don Lemon brings his vast audience and experience as a reporter and a Black man to today’s most urgent question: How can we end racism in America in our lifetimes?
The host of CNN Tonight with Don Lemon is more popular than ever. As America’s only Black prime-time anchor, Lemon and his daily monologues on racism and antiracism, on the failures of the Trump administration and of so many of our leaders, and on America’s systemic flaws speak for his millions of fans. Now, in an urgent, deeply personal, riveting plea, he shows us all how deep our problems lie, and what we can do to begin to fix them.

Beginning with a letter to one of his Black nephews, he proceeds with reporting and reflections on his slave ancestors, his upbringing in the shadows of segregation, and his adult confrontations with politicians, activists, and scholars. In doing so, Lemon offers a searing and poetic ultimatum to America. He visits the slave port where a direct ancestor was shackled and shipped to America. He recalls a slave uprising in Louisiana, just a few miles from his birthplace. And he takes us to the heart of the 2020 protests in New York City. As he writes to his young nephew: We must resist racism every single day. We must resist it with love.

Faking Lucky: Romance: A Touch of Steam + A Twist of Humor by Q. D. Purdu



Desdemona is channel-surfing when she stumbles upon the program Marriage Exposure . The trashy television show gets people to spill all the secrets of their sex lives, and Desdemona’s ex-boyfriend just happens to be a guest.

To her shock and horror, Desdemona’s ex announces on national television that he dumped her because--


--she never got the big O

“She faked…,” he says.

Every single time.

Her life is wrecked! If her friends, family and colleagues haven’t seen the interview yet, they will.

How do you survive a scandal like this?

How did he know she faked?

And why is it that in the bedroom, Desdemona never, ever gets lucky?

The lovable, creative and quirky heroine of Q. D. Purdu’s Faking Lucky tackles these challenges. As Desdemona tries to run damage control on her reputation, she begins to explore her sexuality. Along the way, she will get a second chance at genuine love.

Win Paperback by Harlan Coben



From a #1 New York Times bestselling author comes this thrilling story that shows what happens when a dead man's secrets fall into the hands of vigilante antihero—drawing him down a dangerous road.

Over twenty years ago, the heiress Patricia Lockwood was abducted during a robbery of her family's estate, then locked inside an isolated cabin for months. Patricia escaped, but so did her captors — and the items stolen from her family were never recovered. 

Until now. On the Upper West Side, a recluse is found murdered in his penthouse apartment, alongside two objects of note: a stolen Vermeer painting and a leather suitcase bearing the initials WHL3. For the first time in years, the authorities have a lead — not only on Patricia's kidnapping, but also on another FBI cold case — with the suitcase and painting both pointing them toward one man.

Windsor Horne Lockwood III — or Win, as his few friends call him — doesn't know how his suitcase and his family's stolen painting ended up with a dead man. But his interest is piqued, especially when the FBI tells him that the man who kidnapped his cousin was also behind an act of domestic terrorism — and that the conspirators may still be at large. The two cases have baffled the FBI for decades, but Win has three things the FBI doesn't: a personal connection to the case; an ungodly fortune; and his own unique brand of justice. 

Dead Man's Swag by Paul Carr



A man lies dead in a seedy cottage near Key West. His killer has left nothing behind. No fingerprints. No DNA. The medical examiner determines that the victim died from a stab wound. Other than that, Sheriff’s Detective Michael Dalton has little to go on. The victim has $27 in his wallet and no credit cards. He recently concluded a career in the Army and arrived in the Keys on a bus. His reason for traveling there is probably what got him killed. The FBI warns Dalton off the case, citing interference with an ongoing federal investigation. The agent says it’s classified and won’t say more. Dalton ignores the directive and presses on. The case smells like a cover-up, but nobody is willing to talk. As the secrets unravel, the murder count rises. Pressure builds and threats arise from inside the Sheriff’s Office. Undaunted, Dalton follows the trail of blood and finds himself squarely in the killer’s crosshairs.

Everything To Lose: The chase is on... (A Lambeth Group Thriller Book 2) by Gordon Bickerstaff



While chasing down illegal sports drugs, Gavin and Zoe stumble into the greatest unresolved mystery of World War 2.University researchers claim their new product will boost the performance of every athlete in the world. The Lambeth Group send a scientist, Gavin Shawlens, to investigate the claim.The product is stolen, top athletes disappear, and the research team are unaware that their product has a dangerous side effect. Gavin must stop the product launch before more people die horribly. When Gavin disappears, Zoe Tampsin, from the Lambeth Group, must find him before he becomes the next victim. As if Zoe hasn't got enough on her plate. Past events in Gavin's life catch up with him. A powerful US general has decided that Gavin must die to prevent exposure of a 60-year-old secret capable of world-changing and power-shifting events. The chase is on…

A Woman's Lot: The Second Meonbridge Chronicle (The Meonbridge Chronicles) by Carolyn Hughes



How can mere women resist the misogyny of men?
1352. In Meonbridge, a resentful peasant rages against Eleanor Titherige’s efforts to build up her flock of sheep. Susanna Miller’s husband, grown melancholy and ill-tempered, succumbs to idle gossip that his wife’s a scold. Agnes Sawyer’s yearning to be a craftsman is met with scorn. And the village priest, fearful of what he considers women’s “unnatural” ambitions, is determined to keep them firmly in their place.
Many men hold fast to the teachings of the Church and fear the havoc the “daughters of Eve” might wreak if they’re allowed to usurp men’s roles and gain control over their own lives.
Not all men in Meonbridge resist the women’s desire for change – indeed, they want it for themselves. Yet it takes only one or two misogynists to unleash the hounds of hostility and hatred…

“I didn’t so much feel as if I were reading about mediaeval England as actually experiencing it first hand.” Linda’s Book Bag @Lindahill50Hill

If you enjoy immersive historical fiction with a strong authentic feel, set in a time of change and challenge, especially for women, you’ll love A Woman’s Lot, the second MEONBRIDGE CHRONICLE. Find out for yourself if Meonbridge’s “unnatural” women stand up to their abusers.


sabato 27 marzo 2021

ATHANOR: The Secret Science of the Heart (I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno)

The time of our civilisation, which is only one of the possible civilisations, can be transcribed synthetically through the categories of thought that specified axiologically its structure and continually remodelled it. Passages never clearly marked, if anything connoted, by that “barbarian residue” which, due to a certain instinctual pertinacity, were painstakingly exceeded. The border between reality and appearance is always very subtle, we find it so, even today in the persistence of certain scientifically anachronistic expressions; let us say, for example, that the sun rises and sets, instead of referring to the horizon. We need some time to get used to something that differs from the perception that we had of the world that is, we need time to change.This, for what it’s worth, is what we believe. In fact, however, it is only the persistences that weaken our conscious presence, which, in turn, manifests itself in a wealth of forms commensurate with the capacity we have to intuit them. Every achievement is as if a new mental being is produced, almost incapable of empathy with the past self. Ultimately, the shift over time determines a change of perspective, by regressing in the memory, we lose the sharpness of the state of mind that led to the choice or for which we risked that move. We simply change our mind and this has the effect of no longer permitting us to be that which we once were. It’s as if they slowly vanish, all the humours or moods that we have experienced converge here - there is no other time and if every shift creates a different vision of the world, everything can be changed in a single instant.

Info link 




Bump Time Origin (Bump Time Series)by Doug J. Cooper



On his twenty-fifth birthday, Diesel Lagerford is visited by a twenty-six-year-old version of himself. His look-alike spins impossible tales of their shared future, claiming they have dozens of “brothers” from parallel timelines who can visit each other using a T-box, a machine they bankroll with lottery winnings. He introduces Diesel to the incredible Lilah Spencer, the T-box operator, and Diesel falls head-over-heels in love. But during his travels across timelines, Diesel learns that Lilah will soon die under suspicious circumstances. Devastated, he joins his brothers in a race to save her. Can they solve the mystery of her death before it’s too late? And will their unusual solution play out over time in the ways they had anticipated?

Temptation (A Temptation Novel Series Book 1) by Karen Ann Hopkins



An Amish boy. An English Girl. An impossible, forbidden love . . .

“I loved joining Rose and Noah during their journey in the Temptation series by Karen Hopkins.” — Katie McGarry, acclaimed YA author

Everyone told me I was making a mistake, but the heart wants what the heart wants, and my heart wanted Noah.

We met and fell in love in the hidden fields and forests of Meadowview. If he was English or I was Amish, none of this would have happened. One of us had to make the sacrifice of leaving our culture to be together. As if the clash of our vastly different worlds wasn’t enough, our small farming community had deeper troubles, and they might just be enough to tear us apart forever.

Temptation is the compelling first book in a tension-filled series about star-crossed lovers struggling to be together against all odds.


The Snow Bride (Bookstrand Publishing Romance) by Lindsay Townsend



[BookStrand Historical Romance] She is Beauty, but is he the Beast? Elfrida, spirited, caring, and beautiful, is also alone. She is the "witch of the woods," and no man dares to ask for her hand in marriage until a beast comes stalking brides and steals away her sister. Desperate, the lovely Elfrida offers herself as a sacrifice, as bridal bait, and she is seized by a man with fearful scars. Is he the beast? In the depths of a frozen midwinter, in the heart of the woodland, Sir Magnus, battle-hardened knight of the Crusades, searches ceaselessly for three missing brides, pitting his wits and weapons against a nameless stalker of the snowy forest. Disfigured and hideously scarred, Magnus has finished with love, he thinks, until he rescues a fourth "bride," the beautiful, red-haired Elfrida, whose innocent touch ignites in him a fierce passion that satisfies his deepest yearnings and darkest desires. ** A BookStrand Mainstream Romance

The Strickland File by Jeffrey H. Baer




Gary Strickland is astonished to lose his job before proposing to his childhood sweetheart Angela and braces for a lengthy search through the maze of New York City companies. Three days later Alex Schneider, a successful trade paper’s CFO, hires the recent college graduate to collect unpaid amounts from advertisers. But no sooner is Gary wedged among stingy clients, selfish coworkers, and his frazzled manager, than he and Angela learn they’ll become parents before husband and wife. Three months later Gary’s company-wide invitation to his engagement party inadvertently enrages Alex, who then manipulates the young and unproven employee to protect his own fragile position. After Gary’s moral fiber takes a thorough beating, he finds Alex’s file suggesting he’s a hostage to upper management. Now Gary must abandon his livelihood before the office politics crush him, or remain for his family’s sake and risk a future defined by…THE STRICKLAND FILE.

Vanquish My Agony: Cariturnus Series by Anne Watters



For centuries, the vampire known as Viper has led his army to protect humanity from the evil that lives among them. Not caring if he discovers cariturnus, only wishing to save the world from the Roman and his army. Yet, when the leader of Solas an Latha steps into a small bookstore, his protection will take on a whole new meaning.

Alyse Bressal desires a peaceful vacation in the mountains, wanting to forget about her failed marriage and find peace from months of dreaming of only one man that could have stepped from the history books. He lives not only in her dreams but in visions that bring her to yearn to know him, touch him, and hear him speak.

Legends come true, mortality can vanish, and Colorado will become the host of a war between good and evil.


The 9-finger Revolution by Brennan Harvey



A rallying call . . .
. . . for equal rights.

A revolution . . .
. . . by clones, the slave class of the American Colonies.

A royal secret . . .
. . . that could change the British Monarchy forever.

Fall's Killer Vintage Calla Lily Mystery #3 (Calla Lily Mystery Series) by Anna Celeste Burke (Author), Peggy Hyndman (Editor)



In wine country, a federal judge is murdered and Aunt Lettie’s old friend, Judge Colin Brinkley, quickly becomes a suspect. Lily, Austin, and her friends are excited about the Calla Lily Winery vintages entered in the fall Taste of Napa Challenge. The event turns out to be more challenging than anyone imagined when a fire ends the awards ceremony before the winners are announced. The plot thickens when police become concerned that one of the wines entered in the competition may have been a killer vintage. The U.S. Marshal Service is on the job, but when Aunt Lettie’s old friend becomes a suspect, Lily and her friends are soon caught up in the mystery too. Is the murder of a federal judge about trouble at a winery, the judges' cases, or something more personal? Join Lily and Austin as they try to discover who’s responsible for murder, arson, and fraud.Grab your copy of the latest installment in the Calla Lily Mystery series by USA Today & Wall Street Journal bestselling author, Anna Celeste Burke.Recipes included.Free to read in Kindle Unlimited.

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