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domenica 14 marzo 2021

A Mentor and Her Muse by Susan Sage



Under the guise of mentor and muse, a frustrated writer and her ambitious teenage protégé take an illicit summer road trip fraught with racial and sexual tension. This is a compelling psychological novel about social norms, artistic ambition, and obsession. Maggie Barnett works in the media center of a school in Flint, Michigan where she meets Taezha Riverton, an aspiring teenage writer. After discovering that Maggie is also a writer, Taezha turns to her as both mentor and friend. Alone and childless, it's not enough for Maggie to take Tae to restaurants and poetry slams. Although Tae’s mother has nothing against Maggie, she is less than thrilled when Maggie proposes to take her daughter on a summer road trip. Permission is never explicitly granted, but shortly after school is out for the summer, Maggie and Tae head for the Southeast.

From Primate to Politicians by Juan Manuel Muñoz



"From Primates to Politicians" is a fascinating journey between the animal side of the human species and politicians. It explores the reason for many human behaviors based on the evolution of species, and the resources necessary for life. The book explores the bowels of politics: an art understood and dominated by economic power, and expert manipulators of political marketing, to put together pieces of a dynamic, changing puzzle of infinite size. The content is divided into three parts. A first part, in which the author reviews the concepts of primatology, evolution, and the power relations between living beings. In the second part, the evolution of human societies, and the foundations of conservatism and liberalism, are explored. This leads to propose: “the evolutionary theory of politics.” To conclude the work, the author closes with the analysis of multiple current events and raises some predictions about the global political environment.

Dream Of Me This Christmas Eve (Star Light ~ Star Bright) by L.A. Sartor




Boulder, Colorado, attorney Maximillian Henderson III is in a bind. His new law office won’t open on schedule unless he finds immediate help to finalize his building’s renovation. Award-winning designer Caroline Young is visiting Boulder for a family wedding and has promised to stay through Christmas. Meeting Max at the wedding and hearing his problem, she accepts his plea for help. But if she can make him see past his own nose, she could make it even better.Creating a new design only works if she commits to staying longer. By doing so, she puts her heart and her treasured independence at risk.Max is aware her life and business are in California, and a long-term relationship is impractical. Still she adds vibrancy to his plain black and white world, and his dream of her on Christmas Eve convinces him to try.On Christmas Day, Caro reveals that she must return home for a vital meeting, breaking her promise and his heart.Max has new plans for his office but no Caro. Can he convince her to return to him and find a way to meld their lives?

The Dead Game Paperback – August 29, 2013 by Susanne Leist



 Beneath the town's sandy shores lies an evil so great and powerful

The small town of Oasis offers tourists a promising glimpse of paradise with its sparkling white-sand beaches, majestic coastline, and legendary sunsets. However, life changes in the remote town, people begin to disappear, and some even turn up dead on the beach. Overnight, the town becomes a dream vacation spot to an unsafe haven harboring dark secrets and murder.
It all begins with the mysterious invitation to a party at End House. It is a night that neither Linda Bennett nor her friends would ever forget. From this night forward, they find themselves trapped as pawns in a game, caught in a deepening quagmire of deceit and horror in a power play between good and evil. To save themselves and the town, they must reveal the real face of evil--the one controlling the game and its elusive players.       
Will the young residents be drawn into the dark currents surrounding Oasis, or will they break free, and bring a new light into their spellbound town? 
Follow their treacherous journey through the descending realms of the supernatural. Pursued by strange creatures, they must fight off elaborate illusions and traps.
Splendidly crafted, expertly paced, with richly drawn characters, The Dead Game
 is a perfect supernatural thriller...with a touch of romance.

Wham! (Timewalker) 2nd Edition by Carol Marrs Phipps (Author), Tom Phipps (Author, Illustrator), Marija Vilotijevic (Illustrator)




They took her world. They took her family. They said it was for the greater good. They lied. From husband and wife writing team, Carol Marrs Phipps and Tom Phipps, WHAM is an imaginative and original dystopian fantasy where technology and magic stand side by side. “Rarely have I seen fantasy and science fiction married so successfully.” When Children and Family Assistance police drag her mom, her dad and her beautiful sister out the door into the night and beat her senseless, Tess Greenwood finds herself alone, her every move watched by the hidden World Alliance. Almost blind after her beating, she flees to the forbidden Broadstreet compound and a troll named Maxi.So begins Tess's journey from quiet teen at home to fierce young woman, determined to get back her family any way she can. Even if she must travel time itself. But time is one thing she has little of. Those arrested in the night seldom live for long, and beautiful young women are destined to become toys for the elite.Frantic, Tess tries to pull herself together to save her loved ones and her world... and the clock is ticking.Get your copy and enter the world of the Timewalkers."At first, I thought this was your typical dystopian story, but I quickly learned it is so much more. Layer upon layer was peeled back as I read, revealing themes of corruption, power, and greed as well as familial love and loyalty that spans the ages.”


Everything To Lose by Gordon Bickerstaff



While chasing down illegal sports drugs, Gavin and Zoe stumble into the greatest unresolved mystery of World War 2.University researchers claim their new product will boost the performance of every athlete in the world. The Lambeth Group send a scientist, Gavin Shawlens, to investigate the claim.The product is stolen, top athletes disappear, and the research team are unaware that their product has a dangerous side effect. Gavin must stop the product launch before more people die horribly. When Gavin disappears, Zoe Tampsin, from the Lambeth Group, must find him before he becomes the next victim. As if Zoe hasn't got enough on her plate. Past events in Gavin's life catch up with him. A powerful US general has decided that Gavin must die to prevent exposure of a 60-year-old secret capable of world-changing and power-shifting events. The chase is on…

Screamcatcher: Dream Chasers by Christy J. Breedlove



Seventeen year-old Jory Pike knows a thing or two about Indian lore from her half-blood Chippewa ancestry. She can trap, hunt and fish with the best of them. She has a team of three other teens friends called The Badlands Paranormal Society. 

Picture (Im)perfect by J.S. Frankel



Nolan Goodman, star swimmer for Portland High, meets Mia Swarva at a swim meet and thinks he’s found his perfect girlfriend. They start dating, things are going well...and then he finds out that Mia was born Mark, and his concept of what constitutes relationships not to mention sexuality goes out the window. However, Mia has that certain something about her, and Nolan does his best to understand as he genuinely cares for her. Their relationship develops after a series of stops and starts, but when Mia is inadvertently outed on a social website, she and Nolan have to run the gamut of emotions as well as deal with the inevitable reaction to her being transgender. It is only then, that Nolan learns the true meaning of commitment.

Zenzoris Returns (The Sophie Radcliffe Series Book 1) (English Edition) by Jenny Burnley



Sophie Radcliffe, a feisty Texan intergalactic agent, is a brilliant computer programmer with a photographic memory. She has worked for the Intergalactic Law Enforcement Agency for ten years and is considered to be the best human agent on the team. She works alongside two other humans, Tom Logan, a tough, ex-police cop from Chicago and Justin Adams, a talented British linguist, whose arrogant, superior ways get right under the skin of his colleagues. When the agents discover their nemesis, a Drogg named Zenzoris, has escaped his prison pod and is out for revenge, the mission to recapture him takes the agents on a terrifying, roller-coaster adventure. Will the Drogg succeed in overthrowing the Intergalactic Council this time? The agents battle against time to find the Drogg before he destroys the world.




Winter's Malice: A Weeping Rock Mystery by Belinda G. Buchanan



Three bodies in the span of twenty-four hours …

In Weeping Rock, South Dakota—a small town crippled by racism, drugs, and violence— Sheriff’s Deputy Liam Matthews has his work cut out for him when he steps in to take over the duties of sheriff from his father, who for far too long has turned a blind eye to certain crimes for what he says is the overall good of the town.

Coming under scrutiny for hiring a Lakota to fill his position as deputy, things quickly go from bad to worse for Liam when the body of retired pro-baseball player Hector Ramirez, who had recently returned home to coach ball at his high school alma mater, is found floating in Crow’s Foot Lake. Hector’s bludgeoned corpse is no sooner on its way to the M.E.’s office in Rapid City, however, when the partially clothed body of a young girl is discovered in a clearing in the snow.

With two seemingly unrelated murders, Liam is judged at every turn of his investigation by the local population, Hector’s reality TV star wife Kiki Grey, and his own father. Upon uncovering a tangled web of desperation, lies, and greed, the mounting pressure inside Liam to do the right thing becomes jaded when the skeletal remains of a third victim is found in a submerged car, bringing to the forefront a long-buried secret of his own—and threatening his already troubled marriage to Olivia—as his past and present collide.


Kiss Her Goodbye: A Houston Cash Novel by Harvey Burgess




Houston Cash is an ex-cop turned private investigator who doesn't expect his life to be extraordinary, and that's just how he likes it. But that's rarely how it seems to work out for him. His cases tend to take him places where he has to employ his skills, his sense of humor, and his sense of right and wrong to maximum effect to solve the problems of the interesting people who walk through his door. Though his network of friends and contacts help him navigate the labyrinths he encounters, it almost always boils down to Houston's own abilities to see a case through to the end. When Houston makes the acquaintance of a bank executive's wife, he finds himself thrust in a world of money, sex, murder, and double-crosses; it's just another day for a detective (or so it seems). But this woman is about to lead him on a path of twists and turns with an unexpected finale, and not everyone survives. Can Houston's instincts help him stay out of too much of the trouble she represents?

Wipe Out Kindle Edition by H.B. Rush



Lucinda Sutcliffe, aka Lacey, was a force to be reckoned with. After being ambushed and her partner shot, she had a score to settle.

The entire police force was on tenterhooks wondering whether she would go it alone and take matters in to her own hands. She had the capabilities but the question they all asked themselves was whether she would, or wouldn’t.

Operating from the suburbs of Cape Town in to the seedy neighborhood of Delft, Lacey had already made her decision. The only question she had was whether she would live to tell the tale. It was only a matter of time and making sure every base was covered.

Until things changed…

sabato 13 marzo 2021

Decameron 57: The Dual Nature of Silence di Sàndor Halmosi #tendenza #te...

"Pelle e ossa" di Aleksandr Malinin a cura di Paolo Galvagni ( I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni)



Nel libro di Aleksandr Malinin il sentimento si emancipa dall’individuo per diventare ritmo. Il titolo, oltre a condensare una descrizione, indica chiaramente la ricerca: «ossa e pietre, /tutto ciò di cui siamo ricchi». Il soggetto poetico si assottiglia, minuscolo «come un formaggino», «Rosso e secco», viene ricordato attraverso le tracce adipose: «Esca da me questo grasso, chiamato ansia, chiamato ardore, definito spavento... colando su un piatto vuoto». L’intervento poetico consente al soggetto, «noi tali», di perdere peso attraverso situazioni quotidiane: «usciremo senza alcun battito, /durante la tosse». Non si tratta di poesia funeraria, l’autore si appella, al contrario, all’«abbondanza» del reale. L’attenzione alla fisicità porta a collegamenti edilizi inaspettati: «Si scosta dall’anima la nuova carta da parati, /e non c’è nulla sotto di essa, /una muratura sconnessa... stringiti a questa fessura, come allo spioncino:/è così buio nel tuo corpo». Il pensiero sorveglia non solo la metrica ma anche le domande: «Il bosco è guasto, il suo odore è infuocato. / Ma ciò che brucia non attrae, /invoca. / Che cosa sarà al suo posto - /difficile immaginarlo. Terra incolta, fumo?». Gli argomenti («diventati cattivi, / immangiabili») suggeriscono una cadenza, un senso («danzino le erbe, /e le persone, come ghiande») e l’immaginazione assale il poeta «pregustando la fine del mondo». Bisogna amare la poesia per coglierla, è un’allergia speciale: «I sogni sono la lontananza, /si possono confondere con i polloni». Con qualche piacevole seduzione barocca, la poesia di Malinin ci risparmia la retorica e l’espressionismo: «gli iris, iridescenti, /si smorzano comunque. / Finché non resta di essi l’unico, azzurro, /qualunque». La sua poesia «ronza, come un’ape/sul bordo di una poesia, /che è il giardino». Dissepolta, ristagna nel «Blu chiarificato, quasi azzurro, /la profondità sopra di me, /fa’ luce fin là, là è ancora buio, /qui c’è già l’amore». Ci parla della fine: «Che cosa ci attende prima della morte:/il tè opaco delle bustine, una limonata evaporata». Il tempo coincide con l’appetito («il tempo è sazio») e materializza i morti («più neri del tè»): «dice terra, terra, /che ti interessa di me, /io sono nella mia mente, sono tutta in me, /a che mi serve il corpo, /lo stelo, /una pista d’atterraggio».La voce, «defluita, quasi sedimentosa», senza cariche ideologiche, «Si dilata e si stringe» fino a rendere «il buio» qualcosa di attraversabile, «sensibile alla luce... la visibilità di me». Nella nervatura del testo si scorgono corrispondenze tra il quotidiano e il siderale: un esercizio frattale del linguaggio. C’è Gogol e il suo battaglione di anime morte in questa sensibilità convincente: «come incaricata per la luce:/l’uomo è l’angusta strettoia (Alberto Pellegatta)

Ilnoblet Elmer and the Alien Water Thieves by Kathryn Rose Newey (Author)




Like The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy for kids! Readers will love the "myriad of alien cultures", and the "unique take on the humans vs. extraterrestrials trope" in this adventurous science fiction mystery to stop aliens from stealing planet Earth's water.

Packed full of science, math and language skills, "this book presents an engaging and entertaining learning experience. There’s plenty of action to keep kids interested, and... a fantastic message about fitting in."

Ilnoblet Elmer and the Alien Water Thieves is a sci-fi story with a difference for middle graders, young teens and middle schoolers.

Ilnoblet Elmer is an ordinary boy. Except for one thing; he’s from another planet – and his family, friends and teachers don’t know. This alien superhero has lots of adventures trying to defeat tricky and sticky aliens, including the Mootilokygogrifies (that’s a mouthful to say - and they’re even worse when hiding in your garden shed). All in between going to school and handing in his homework on time!

The story has fun references to science, water, numbers, space travel, planets, extraterrestrials, and some special words and numbers that have an interesting effect on aliens! There’s even a glossary to help with understanding Ilnoblet's Gapitonian language – you’ll be speaking it in no time!

"Science fiction readers who want a little fun with their science would enjoy this book... This adventure story is fit for both kids and kids at heart... With great pleasure, I rate Ilnoblet Elmer and the Alien Water Thieves 4 out of 4 stars." - Review by OnlineBookClub.org.


The David Chronicles: Trilogy by Uvi Poznansky (Author)



From USA Today Bestselling Author, Uvi Poznansky, comes an epic historical fiction trilogy with a modern twist:

Volume I: Rise to Power

Here is the story of David as you have never heard it before: from the king himself, telling the unofficial version, the one he never allowed his court scribes to recount. Rooted in ancient lore, his is a surprisingly modern memoir.

Volume II: A Peek at Bathsheba

The most torrid tale of passion ever told: David's forbidden love for Bathsheba, and his attempt to cover up the scandal. Will he muster the strength needed to protect her and save their son from danger?

Volume III: The Edge of Revolt

The last thing David expects is that his beloved son will topple him from the throne. The betrayal threatens not only his life but also his legacy. Coming back to power will put Absalom in danger. Is David ready to counter his next move?

★★★★★ "The miracle of Uvi Poznansky's writing is her uncanny ability to return to old stories and make them brilliantly fresh."

Scroll up and get The David Chronicles: Trilogy now!


The LoveLock 1st Edition by Eichin Chang-Lim (Author)



A Suspenseful and Sensual Love Story!Life changes on a dime. Few understand this painful truth quite like Violet and Dylan, former college sweethearts united by their troubled childhoods.When a gut-wrenching tragedy strikes in their adult years, they're torn apart—their relationship unable to survive the blow. Though they go their separate ways, they remain connected by a meaningful token: a locket, which Dylan bestows upon Violet on a blissful day by a gorgeous beach in Coronado, California—to which he holds the key. This lovelock remains to be their only connection as they struggle to rebuild their lives. Violet, an aspiring actress, grapples with mental illness and ends up stripping for a living. In the meantime, Dylan faces his own challenges while trying to manage his past trauma with an unknown future. They each venture down their own dark path laced with drugs and manipulative, taxing characters. All the while, neither can shake off their longing for the love they once shared and endeared. In spite of life's impediments, can they heal their past and find happiness alone, or together?

Snowflakes in July by Warren Bell



Flash back to the violent 1970s. Domestic terrorist bombs explode in the Pentagon, on Capitol Hill, at New York police stations, and on military bases. Prominent moderate leaders are being assassinated. And now a New Left terrorist group more radical than the Weather Underground or the Symbionese Liberation Army has a highly placed mole in the Pentagon!The mole electrifies the terrorist high command with details of weaknesses in the storage of Navy nuclear weapons. Elated, the group prepares for a commando raid to steal some of the warheads and force the government to transform the United States into a Marxist society. Back in the Pentagon, Navy Captain Mike Duquesne, a former Vietnam POW, becomes suspicious of the mole and launches a secret investigation. He enlists the aid of Leslie Thomas, a Navy staff lawyer. Alerted by her inquiries, the terrorists target her for blackmail with photos a youthful indiscretion. Luring her to their Virginia hideout, they force her to further incriminate herself under the cryptic codename, “Headmistress.”Will Mike’s investigation uncover the plot to steal nuclear weapons before the terrorist can mount their raid? And what indignities await Leslie at the hands of the radicals in the meantime? Snowflakes in July has exciting aerial combat scenes, political assassinations, terrorist bombings, high-stakes commando operations, hostage abuse, and torrid romance.

The Purple Bird by Dylan Roche (Author)



No matter how long he has yearned to escape his boring life as an ordinary teenager, nothing can prepare James Shannassy for the afternoon when he meets a figment bird called Archit and the two of them set off for the world of Nalgordia to break a centuries-old curse. Being the hero of his own fantasy adventure isn't exactly what James expected it to be, but when he finds himself caught up in an epic fight against a force of evil, he knows he might be the only one able to stop it. Archit's fate now rests entirely in his hands...and there's no turning back now!

Affinity's Window by Douglas Wilson




Affinity’s Window

A horror/thriller equal to Poltergeist, it will have you afraid to turn the light off!

Affinity Bell, a lonely child whose only companion is the threadbare doll she’s christened Mr. Moppet, roams the empty halls of Bell Manor attempting to escape the evil that pursues her. The Others, the horrifying creatures only she can see, attack young Affinity at every opportunity. But Mr. Moppet will protect her, he’s told her so, and Mr. Moppet knows magic.

Tanner Dann, a world-weary writer searching for proof that ghosts actually do exist, is being called by an unknown force to Bell Manor. Will the two powerful psychics he’s hired help him to discover the proof for which he’s been searching, or will they too be dragged down into the noxious pit that is Bell Manor?

Evil flows through the heart of Bell Manor, pulsing and ebbing like some hideous tide. Will it drag Tanner and his friends down into its gaping maw, or will they battle back at Affinity’s Window?


The Alignment by Douglas L. Wilson (Author)



It’s the summer of 2012, and mankind’s time on earth is drawing rapidly to an end. The Mayan long-count calendar has been ticking down our final days for over twenty-six-thousand years. Locked in a blood feud with the last two vampires left on earth, two families reunite after more than a century apart to battle these hideously powerful creatures, and to stop them before they open the threshold to their world that will begin the wholesale slaughter of humanity.Sean Dunne, a down-on-his-luck D.C. homicide detective, and Gregor Innescu, an elderly Romanian man who’s been stalking the creatures for over fifty years, are drawn together by fate, and by a shared bloodline. Gregor has tracked the vampires for decades, watched them feed, plotted their movements, and uncovered their true purpose on earth. But he’s never acted to intervene, until now. Until he met Sean Dunne.Beginning with the discovery and removal of the Ark of the Covenant by the Knights Templar a thousand years earlier, the Innescu and Dunleavy families have shared a powerful blood bond. Separated over the centuries by countless battles with the vampires, they’ve been brought together in these final hours to prevent the opening of the threshold between worlds that would signal mankind’s bloody demise.Joined by Sean’s daughter Carly, a microbiologist, and her fiancé Ryan, a man who’s not what he appears to be, Sean and Gregor take the fight to the very heart of the creatures’ existence. The streets of Washington, D.C. offer the backdrop for this epic struggle between good and evil, between life and death, and between redemption and ruin. The threshold will open when the stars of the Pleiades achieve their final alignment, and hell will surely follow.

Good Sister, Bad Sister (Heart of the Staff Book 1) by Carol Marrs Phipps (Author), Tom Phipps (Author)



Sometimes, the people closest to you can cause the greatest harm...
Magic. Hidden Agendas. Supernatural Creatures. Sibling Rivalry.

Enter the Kingdom of Niarg in the first book of the Heart of the Staff Series, a fantasy adventure collection by husband and wife writing team, Carol Marrs Phipps and Tom Phipps.

"What I loved about this story was the author's magical ability to transport me through time into a believable world that felt like long ago."

Minuet Dewin, eldest daughter of the wizard Razzmorten, practically raised her half sister Leeuh, who was abandoned by her mother.

For many years, Minuet is Leeuh's passionate champion. As time passes, Leeuh becomes increasingly hard to defend as she grows determined to be awful at every turn.

Whilst undoing her dangerous pranks, Minuet finds herself the target of her hatred and jealousy. And when they fall for the same prince, it looks like war.

One day, Leeuh vanishes. She returns years later, compliant and sweet as she always should have been. Minuet is stunned.

Should she trust her, or will it be the very death of her?

Cowboy Desire by Alice Renaud (Author), Alan Souter (Author), Callie Carmen (Author), Dee S. Knight (Author), & 10 more



Cowboy Desire is an eclectic assortment of short stories.
It includes contemporary, historical, fantasy, and even outer space romance, Cowboy Desire offers fourteen stunning short stories.
These fourteen authors provide a range of sweet to sexy stories all with a Western cowboy theme. They feature strong men and women battling the weather and dangerous terrain, here on earth and in outer space.
The collection is as diverse as the authors who wrote them. Here’s a chance to discover new talented authors and the characters they create. Within these pages, there are blends of tender, often moving, thought-provoking and downright sexy stories. 

Paging Dr. Turov by Gibby Campbell (Author)




Dr. Victor Turov is at the top of his game. A world-renowned heart surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic, he is also wealthy, good looking, and in complete control of his life. The only problem is he needs the right kind of woman, and a good submissive is hard to find.

Enter Abby Shea, a young and beautiful widow, who runs into Dr. Turov while volunteering. Sparks fly between the two, but something about the good doctor scares Abby off. Victor has to aggressively pursue her until she agrees to a date. Now he just needs to convince Abby his lifestyle is something she can live with.

There are many obstacles along the way including worried friends, nasty in-laws, a voyeur, and one highly judgmental counselor. Through it all Victor keeps them on track with creative punishments, while Abby grapples with how much freedom she is willing to give up in the name of love.

A Thread of Sand (Embracing Love Chronicles Book 1) by Alan Souter (Author)




In 1891, a young gifted British artist, Lady Julia Carstairs, travels to the Wild West. She learns more than a young lady should about life as she survives the rigors of a Texas brothel. Julia escapes and flees the US to find work as an artist in Egypt. Follow her journey as she avoids the clutches of sinister Dervish rebels. Feel the temperature rise, as she is passionately seduced by both men and women on the way, finding true love in the arms of a British Lieutenant.
A seductive erotic story that spans half the globe. Can Julia’s love survive the turmoil of these perilous times? 

Trained to Obey: Part One (The Prince's Thrall Book 1) by Amelia Stark




Nadia’s, four month stint in Dubai is coming to an end. Throwing caution to the wind, to help her boss, Nadia accompanies Abdul to an illegal party. The word is that several billionaire sheiks will be attending. This reduces the risk of the authorities raiding the event.
Abdul is on the lookout for new business contacts and Nadia is particularly good at impressing wealthy Arab men. English and only 23, Nadia is always up for a challenge, or the chance to let her hair down. On the way in, the ladies have to submit to an intimate search, but it’s a minor hurdle when the reward is an evening of dancing, booze and flirting with some of the wealthiest men in the world.
Nadia knows the score and that she is there as bait for Abdul’s company, Hegazi Engineering. Nadia is dancing with her friend, Rimsha, when, out of the blue, she gets an invite to dance in a private room for a particularly important person.
Nadia doesn’t realize it, but the man who wants to see her dance is a member of the ruling family. A Prince, no less. The English girl then crosses the red line that she had set herself, by agreeing to be the Prince’s concubine for one night. From that point onward, Nadia’s life begins to fall apart.
Because this book contains explicit descriptions of sexual situations it is only suitable for mature readers over the age of 18

THE VAMPIRE RECLAMATION PROJECT (6 book series) Kindle Edition by S. S. Bazinet (Author)



From Book 1: Guardian angels! Do we all have one? A vampire named Arel is about to find out.

The book series, The Vampire Reclamation Project, is a visionary fantasy and a vampire redemption tale. In book one, Arel is unwavering in his desire to free his soul! Living in a state of depression and despair, he believes that he can reverse his cursed condition by ingesting a little angel blood. Michael, an incarnate angel and Arel’s friend, advises that the remedy could be hazardous, but Arel is determined to take his chances. He won’t consider what terrible consequences could be in store for him.

After the deed is done, Arel and Michael join forces to control what’s been unleashed in Arel, but the blood coursing through Arel’s veins is always a step ahead of both vampire and angel.


“From the get-go, I was utterly gripped. While this is a tale about taking responsibility and redemption, it’s also huge and intriguing. Guardian angels take on a whole new meaning after reading this!”

“Soul searching and life affirming . . . a unique story of vampires and angels. Past lives and current lives. Family and friendship.”

“Enticing page-turner that has you wondering if indeed Arel's soul can be saved.”

“I found this story to be a fantastic read. It is captivating and engrossing as the author brings her audience along for a journey of self-discovery and meaningful connections.”

“It is a wonderful blend of the human and spirit realms with incredibly well developed characters and the perfect touch of humor.”


The book series, The Vampire Reclamation Project, begins as an exciting and unique story of angels, vampires and a quest for transformation. As the story continues, it expands into a tapestry of interwoven lives and lifetimes. A group of individuals come together to resolve issues surrounding love, hate, trust and betrayal. With the angelic help of Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, the group is also reunited with a purpose that goes beyond the norm and enters the realm of mystery. Their task isn't always easy, but all involved learn that they have extraordinary abilities and power. They find ways to reach for the stars while grounding themselves in brotherhood.


Write To Kill - He's Putting The Dead In Deadline: Book One In The Series. by David P Perlmutter and Julie Tucker



Write To Kill MOTIVE. MONEY. MURDER. YOU COULDN'T MAKE IT UP.An aspiring author, cursed with writer's block and ridden with debt, is offered a huge amount of money to commit a heinous crime. Caught up in the machinations of the underworld and at the mercy of a gangland boss, will this budding writer accept the money, commit the crime and leave his innocence behind him? And will real life turn to fiction, as events inspire him to write what he dreams will be an international bestseller? THE DEBUT FICTION NOVEL FROM DAVID P PERLMUTTER

Invincible Destiny (Invincible Women's Fiction Book 4) by Jen Talty (Author), Susan Jean Ricci (Author), Suzanne Jenkins (Author), Tamara Ferguson (Author), & 3 more



Seven NY Times and USA Today Bestselling authors have come together to give you a collection of strong heroes and heroines that prove when you put your mind to something, your destiny is your future.

Whether you’re just starting out or starting over, losing your love or finding a new one, a first chance, or a second...maybe even a third, destiny is in your hands. It’s in your grasp. You find a way, you work hard, and you believe enough to make it happen.

WHISKEY SMASH (New): Jen Talty, USA Today Bestselling Author: While he prefers a double shot of whiskey, he’s not opposed to taking a stroll down champagne lane, but not if it’s going to cost him at the track.

DON’T BRUISE THE BANANAS (New): Susan Jean Ricci, USA Today Bestselling Author: As Cindy and Jay DeMatteo approach the seven-year itch, will their treasured memories inspire their relationship to move forward, or do other circumstances interfere with their marriage?

GIRLS IN THE CITY - ALISON (New): Suzanne Jenkins, USA Today Bestselling Author: Surgical resident Alison catches the eye of Chief Rich, but she doesn’t want to start anything with him because of a longed for transition. But her heart has other ideas.

IN TANDEM: Tamara Ferguson, USA Today Bestselling Author: When Jake Loughlin and Danielle Reardon are fatefully reunited at Dragonfly Pointe during the restoration of the Inn, will unveiling the dark secrets of the past help expose a ring of human traffickers?

GIVE ME A CHANCE: Natalie Ann, USA Today Bestselling Author: A single father. A woman on the run. Can they find comfort in each other?

SEEKING RACHEL: Josie Riviera, USA Today Bestselling Author: When faith is adrift, the heart is the compass leading the way home.

FOR THE LOVE OF CANDY: Patrice Wilton, New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author: The life Candy scratched out for herself and son is coming to an end. Her Miami bar provided a decent income, but more important it provided a touch of magic. During storms the lights will flicker, the wall will sweat, and if you wish for something it will happen. Now with all that’s going on, the last thing she needs is the magic of love.


venerdì 12 marzo 2021

Bitches, she is Madonna by Ludovico De Bonis (I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno)

 "I dedicate this book to those who know how to wait, to those who do not stop believing in their dreams, to those who know how to earn things with sweat and will of mind, to those who keep smiling in hard times, to those who think that emotions and passions are the engine of the world.”

Ludovico De Bonis

The author Ludovico De Bonis, with his book, tried to combine his passion (Madonna) with his cultural background, as an expert in Communication and Media Analyst. What makes his work outstanding compared to other works about the artist, is that none of them has neither analyzed the phenomenon from the point of view of the audience, nor focused on the artist's fandom, on her complex identity (as a woman, as a mother and as an international icon) and on the discovery that the performer artist Madonna, according to various sociologists and experts in the sector, is the emblem of popular culture.

Translation - Giacomo Bleve

Cover - Debora Conte

Additional digital editing - Serena Garganese


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