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domenica 25 aprile 2021
A Concise Catholic Guide to the Bible: Understand Scripture through Summaries, Maps & Timelines Part of: Firm Catholic Foundation series (1 Books) | by Father Matthew Nathan
mercoledì 24 marzo 2021
Bump Time Origin (Bump Time Series) by Doug J. Cooper
On his twenty-fifth birthday, Diesel Lagerford is visited by a
twenty-six-year-old version of himself. His look-alike spins impossible
tales of their shared future, claiming they have dozens of “brothers”
from parallel timelines who can visit each other using a T-box, a
machine they bankroll with lottery winnings. He introduces Diesel to the
incredible Lilah Spencer, the T-box operator, and Diesel falls
head-over-heels in love. But during his travels across timelines, Diesel
learns that Lilah will soon die under suspicious circumstances.
Devastated, he joins his brothers in a race to save her. Can they solve
the mystery of her death before it’s too late? And will their unusual
solution play out over time in the ways they had anticipated?
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VIII Edizione de Le mani e l'ascolto a cura di Mauro Marino e Piero Rapanà Fondo Verri, via S. Maria del Paradiso 8, Lecce Show case di ...
FABRIZIO Vedremo altri soli domani, o giù nella stiva sono questi i migliori. Ditemi allora chi scoprire chi ignorare di nuovo, quale faccia...