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Visualizzazione post con etichetta poetry. Mostra tutti i post

giovedì 1 aprile 2021

The Hill We Climb: An Inaugural Poem for the Country by Amanda Gorman (Author), Oprah Winfrey (Foreword)




Amanda Gorman’s powerful and historic poem “The Hill We Climb,” read at President Joe Biden’s inauguration, is now available as a collectible gift edition.

“Stunning.” —CNN 
“Dynamic.” —NPR
“Deeply rousing and uplifting.” —Vogue

On January 20, 2021, Amanda Gorman became the sixth and youngest poet to deliver a poetry reading at a presidential inauguration. Taking the stage after the 46th president of the United States, Joe Biden, Gorman captivated the nation and brought hope to viewers around the globe. Her poem “The Hill We Climb: An Inaugural Poem for the Country” can now be cherished in this special gift edition. Including an enduring foreword by Oprah Winfrey, this keepsake celebrates the promise of America and affirms the power of poetry.

martedì 30 marzo 2021

What Matters Most is How Well You Walk Through the Fire by Charles Bukowski




This second posthumous collection from Charles Bukowski takes readers deep into the raw, wild vein of writing that extends from the early 70s to the 1990s.

lunedì 29 marzo 2021

The Mathematics of the Breath and the Way: On Writers and Writing by Charles Bukowski and David Stephen Calonne



“Genius could be the ability to say a profound thing in a simple way, or even to say a simple thing in a simpler way.”―Charles Bukowski

In The Mathematics of the Breath and the Way, Charles Bukowski considers the art of writing, and the art of living as a writer. Bringing together a variety of previously uncollected stories, columns, reviews, introductions, and interviews, this book finds him approaching the dynamics of his chosen profession with cynical aplomb, deflating pretensions and tearing down idols armed with only a typewriter and a bottle of beer. Beginning with the title piece―a serious manifesto disguised as off-handed remarks en route to the racetrack―The Mathematics of the Breath and the Way runs through numerous tales following the author’s adventures at poetry readings, parties, film sets, and bars, and also features an unprecedented gathering of Bukowski’s singular literary criticism. From classic authors like Hemingway to underground legends like d.a. levy to his own stable of obscure favorites, Bukowski uses each occasion to expound on the larger issues around literary production. The book closes with a handful of interviews in which he discusses his writing practices and his influences, making this a perfect guide to the man behind the myth and the disciplined artist behind the boozing brawler.


giovedì 25 marzo 2021

Poesie (2020-1997) di Vittorino Curci (Autore), Milo De Angelis (Prefazione) edito da La Vita Felice



"L'infanzia percorre tutte queste pagine, con le sue scene antiche e il suo eterno «primo ottobre nel cortile della scuola», il suo giocare «a morra con le ore della notte». Ma non è l'infanzia crepuscolare del rimpianto. È una stagione vivissima che non possiamo situare nel passato, che ci raggiunge e ci supera, a volte ci aspetta. È un inizio incessante in cui siamo immersi, quello che ha ispirato un momento esemplare di quest'opera («Se penso al mattino del creato/ quando le cose furono toccate da uno sguardo per la prima volta/ io sono contento di tornare sui miei/ passi...») e sollecita nel profondo la sua ispirazione, ponendosi come continuo esordio o come rinascita dopo la caduta e accendendo una corrente impetuosa che scorre tra le righe nei momenti dello sconforto, della sconfitta, dell'essere vulnerabili alle potenze del cosmo: quando «il tuo mandala sarà disfatto/ al primo sogno di vento», ecco che un altro vento misterioso scuote il disfacimento e lo consegna alla metamorfosi. Così il fascino di questa poesia è un soffio polifonico che raccoglie in sé diverse tonalità – dall'elegia alla riflessione sapiente, dall'invettiva alla supplica – per ricrearsi continuamente dalle sue ceneri, che sono le ceneri personali ma anche quelle della Storia: è una prospettiva vasta e generale, un'inquadratura in campo lungo, uno sguardo nitido e insieme visionario". (dalla prefazione di Milo De Angelis)

Jack Kerouac: Collected Poems (LOA #231) (Library of America Jack Kerouac Edition) by Jack Kerouac




Poetry was at the center of Jack Kerouac’s sense of mission as a writer. This landmark edition brings together for the first time all Kerouac’s major poetic works—Mexico City Blues, The Scripture of the Golden Eternity, Book of Blues, Pomes All Sizes, Old Angel Midnight, Book of Haikus—along with a rich assortment of his uncollected poems, six published here for the first time. He wrote poetry in every period of his life, in forms as diverse as the classical Japanese haiku, the Buddhist sutra, the spontaneous prose poetry of Old Angel Midnight, and the poetic “blues” he developed in Mexico City Blues and other serial works, seeing himself as “a jazz poet blowing a long blues in an afternoon jam session on Sunday.” Many poets found Kerouac a liberating influence on their work: Robert Creeley called him “a genius at the register of the speaking voice”; for Allen Ginsberg he was “a poetic influence over the entire planet”; and Bob Dylan said that Mexico City Blues was crucial to his own artistic development.

Also available in specially-designed jacket (978-1-59853-194-7)

LIBRARY OF AMERICA is an independent nonprofit cultural organization founded in 1979 to preserve our nation’s literary heritage by publishing, and keeping permanently in print, America’s best and most significant writing. The Library of America series includes more than 300 volumes to date, authoritative editions that average 1,000 pages in length, feature cloth covers, sewn bindings, and ribbon markers, and are printed on premium acid-free paper that will last for centuries.





mercoledì 24 marzo 2021

Sublime Shadows Of Life Paperback by BALROOP SINGH



Sublime Shadows of Life is a comment on life, its turbulent curves and relationships. It envisions people through the prism of poetry. I, you, he, we and they are universal symbols which highlight the fact that happiness is not a destination but a chasm to bury agony, anguish, grief, distress and move on! No sea of solitude is so deep that it can drown us. Sometimes aspirations are trampled upon, the boulders of exploitation and discrimination may block your path but those who tread on undeterred are always successful.

martedì 23 marzo 2021

Essential Bukowski: Poetry by Charles Bukowski



Edited by Abel Debritto, the definitive collection of poems from an influential writer whose transgressive legacy and raw, funny, and acutely observant writing has left an enduring mark on modern culture.

Few writers have so brilliantly and poignantly conjured the desperation and absurdity of ordinary life as Charles Bukowski. Resonant with his powerful, perceptive voice, his visceral, hilarious, and transcendent poetry speaks to us as forcefully today as when it was written. Encompassing a wide range of subjects—from love to death and sex to writing—Bukowski’s unvarnished and self-deprecating verse illuminates the deepest and most enduring concerns of the human condition while remaining sharply aware of the day to day.

With his acute eye for the ridiculous and the troubled, Bukowski speaks to the deepest longings and strangest predilections of the human experience. Gloomy yet hopeful, this is tough, unrelenting poetry touched by grace.

This is Essential Bukowski.


mercoledì 18 settembre 2019

L’Ora del buio di Giuseppe Perrone (I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno)

“Il poeta davanti alla realtà deve avere uno sguardo disincantato. In uno stato di vigilanza, il suo compito è quello di attraversare l’esistenza senza mai chiudere gli occhi e soprattutto raccontando quello che vede Giuseppe Perrone ne L’ora del buio si fa poeta civile e con le spalle al muro scrive poesie prendendosi cura delle parole per mettere nero su bianco tutta la precarietà di noi esseri umani davanti alla decadenza in cui siamo precipitati. Poesia che guarda in faccia lo sgomento, l’indifferenza di questo lungo e interminabile viaggio al termine della notte che noi come umanità disumana abbiamo scelto di intraprendere da incoscienti senza preoccuparci delle conseguenze che ci porteranno all’estinzione. «L’uomo è il cancro della terra» scrive Emil Cioran. Giuseppe Perrone, come uomo e come poeta, ha preso coscienza di questa pericolosa e irreversibile deriva. Come poeta, che prima di tutto è uomo, scrive nel solco di una consapevolezza. L’ora del buio è il libro di un poeta e di un uomo che ha gli occhi aperti sulle macerie.” (dalla postfazione di Nicola Vacca curatore della collana Z)

Giuseppe Perrone è nato a Taranto nel 1959 e svolge l’attività di medico. Nel 2013 pubblica Tra i passi e le strade (Manni editori), il suo libro d’esordio. Nel 2017 esce La carità delle parole (Luoghi interiori)

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