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mercoledì 30 novembre 2022
mercoledì 31 marzo 2021
One Split Second: The Distracted Driving Epidemic - How It Kills and How We Can Fix It 1st Edition by Vijay Dixit and Antonia Felix
Our addiction to cell phones has made distracted driving a national
epidemic. State patrol officers who deal with crashes every day see the
phone as the new “open bottle” in the car that makes drivers impaired
and dangerous. Add phones and other devices to the many types of
distraction we already face—from tuning the radio to drinking coffee
behind the wheel—and we have a crisis. But this crisis can be turned
back if drivers make the right choice, the safe choice. One Split Second
can help drivers make that best choice. This book is a one-of-a-kind
resource that brings together real-life stories, facts and figures,
fascinating research about our behavior behind the wheel, and expert
perspectives on how we can end the distraction epidemic. It is a book no
driver can live without.
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