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mercoledì 7 dicembre 2022
lunedì 28 novembre 2022
Bitches, she is Madonna by Ludovico De Bonis (I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno)
“I dedicate this book to those who know how to wait, to those who do not stop believing in their dreams, to those who know how to earn things with sweat and will of mind, to those who keep smiling in hard times, to those who think that emotions and passions are the engine of the world.”
Ludovico De Bonis
The author Ludovico De Bonis, with his book, tried to combine his passion (Madonna) with his cultural background, as an expert in Communication and Media Analyst. What makes his work outstanding compared to other works about the artist, is that none of them has neither analyzed the phenomenon from the point of view of the audience, nor focused on the artist's fandom, on her complex identity (as a woman, as a mother and as an international icon) and on the discovery that the performer artist Madonna, according to various sociologists and experts in the sector, is the emblem of popular culture.
Translation - Giacomo Bleve
Cover - Debora Conte
Additional digital editing - Serena Garganese
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