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lunedì 10 maggio 2021
mercoledì 31 marzo 2021
THE KILLER ANGEL: The Recollections of a Legend by Myles Stafford
THE KILLER ANGEL: A massive, thrilling, first-person adventure into the
end of civilization. It's her story - in her own words - of how she
became a legendary part of history. Survival. That was the gift of Nicki
Redstone. In a darkness that seemed permanent, she was a burning flame
of courage, bringing light when there was none.
venerdì 26 marzo 2021
The Dead Game by Susanne Leist
A party is called for tonight at End House, but no host greets you at the front door.
The door locks behind you.
Candles light a path through the dark hallways.
Is your heart beating too fast?
What should you do?
The owner of End House takes no prisoners.
The Dead Game has begun.
martedì 23 marzo 2021
Demons Dancing by P.A. Priddey
A series of strange deaths around the country bring a group of people
together.Frank Wright is forced to go on a mission to retrieve a sacred
item, what he finds is far more sinister.Detective Inspector Devon
Fields investigates a series of murders, including those of a headless
corpse and a man wedged into a tree.Tarin Barkley, a reporter, finds her
friend, Gina, dead in bed and looking three times older than she
should. When other bodies similar to Gina’s are found, she goes
searching for the murderer.Ex-soldier, Jack Flint’s holiday in the Lake
District is spoiled by his dreams. One night he hears screams and runs
to investigate. He finds a small camp covered in blood but the campers
had gone.A humpbacked man is attacked in an alley by hooded figures when
a biker comes to his aid. The biker takes him to retrieve a weapon to
kill demons.Others join them in the fight against the demons as more
powerful ones appear. A group of Elders, a poet, and many others help
them in the fight against the oncoming darkness.
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VIII Edizione de Le mani e l'ascolto a cura di Mauro Marino e Piero Rapanà Fondo Verri, via S. Maria del Paradiso 8, Lecce Show case di ...
FABRIZIO Vedremo altri soli domani, o giù nella stiva sono questi i migliori. Ditemi allora chi scoprire chi ignorare di nuovo, quale faccia...