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sabato 14 gennaio 2012
“One of the oldest mystery specialist book stores in America, the Mysterious Bookshop is now in its 28th year. Previously located in midtown, the bookshop now calls Tribeca its home. We stock the finest selection of new mystery hardcovers, paperbacks and periodicals. Our shop also features a superb collection of signed Modern First Editions, Rare/Collectible hardcovers and Sherlockiana. We publish a monthly newsletter highlighting our 6 book clubs, new releases and recently acquired rare books. The shop is open every day, 11:00 am to 7:00 pm. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Money Order, and Personal Check.
Contact Us:
Phone: 212-587-1011
Fax: 212-587-1126
Mailing Address:
The Mysterious Bookshop
58 Warren Street
New York, NY 10007”
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