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domenica 18 dicembre 2022
domenica 4 aprile 2021
Within The Glass Darkly: Volume 1 of the Glass Darkly Gothic Vampire Series by William Gareth Evans
Nineteenth century Paris. A spate of gruesome murders has everyone
gripped with fear as the killer continues to terrorise the city. There
are rumours that a murderous ‘beast’ is stalking the streets of Paris at
night… A mysterious nobleman and his sister enter the lives of the
Perrodon family and their friends. The unwary Parisians are about to
encounter the terrifying reality of a darker world that will tear their
young lives apart. One man already knows the identity and true nature of
the ‘beast’. He is also aware of an ancient vendetta against members of
the Perrodon family. Only his knowledge and experience stands between
them and their mutual nemesis
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