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martedì 29 novembre 2022

Verso ... il Futuro: Poesia Visiva di Carlo Stasi (I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno)

Pur se nato nel cuore dell’Europa ed imbevuto di cultura europea, Carlo Stasi ha radici profondamente radicate nella sanguigna terra salentina. Ha sempre amato viaggiare, spinto da un’intensa passione conoscitiva e da una forte tensione creativa. Alla poesia ha affiancato la musica e la pittura intrecciando sonorità e motivi grafici nelle sue opere: una poesia “iconica”, “da vedere” per “leggere” e “riflettere”, dando “immagine alla parola” e “parola all’immaginazione”. Corredato da interventi critici, questo libro documenta e raccoglie 40 anni della produzione poetica visiva edita ed inedita di questo “artista della parola”.Con la prefazione di Lamberto Pignotti, e gli interventi critici di Giovanni Dotoli, Maurizio Nocera, Francesco Pasca, Massimo Pasca, Raffaele Messinese, Emilio Filieri, Mauro Marino, Paola Scialpi, Andrea D’Urso, Giuliana Coppola, Vincenzo Guarracino, Augusto Ponzio, Luciano Ponzio, Susan Petrilli, Salvatore Luperto, Carmen De Stasio, Antonietta Fulvio, Paolo Vincenti, Alessandro Laporta, Mario De Marco, Chiara Evangelista, Richard Demarco, Stefano Donno, Nicola Salvatore, Donato Di Poce. Postfazione di Donato Di Poce

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mercoledì 28 aprile 2021

Tomb Raider: The Official Cookbook and Travel Guide (Gaming) by Sebastian Haley and Tara Theoharis



Join Lara Croft on a global journey and prepare delicious food from around the world with Tomb Raider: The Official Cookbook and Travel Guide.

Tomb Raider: The Official Cookbook and Travel Guide is a thrilling and delicious tutorial on recipes based on the cultural history of the many locations Lara Croft has visited throughout her 25 years of global adventures—bringing the taste back home to you. Inspired by the hit Tomb Raider videogame franchise, this book features over 40 recipes from the many locations Lara Croft visits and explores across the globe, with food and drinks inspired by key characters and locations. Also included is expert information on the cultural history of the many beautiful cities and countries to which she travels. A global exploration, this unique cookbook and travel guide takes fans on an exclusive journey across the planet chasing the thrills and adventures of Lara Croft. Featuring beautiful full color photography as well as stunning art from the games, this is the ultimate gift for fans, travelers, and food aficionados alike.

OVER 40 ALL-NEW RECIPES: Features over 40 recipes inspired by the many locations Lara Croft visits across the world
TRAVEL GUIDE: In addition to over 40 recipes, this book includes a one-of-a-kind travel guide celebrating the many beautiful countries and cities Lara visits
25TH ANNIVERSARY: Officially licensed by and created in partnership with Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics for the 25th anniversary of Tomb Raider

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