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domenica 4 dicembre 2022
martedì 30 marzo 2021
The Cherrywood Banjo by Pat McDermott
Christmas is Coming, and County Mayo’s Connigan Clan is in Holiday Mode!
An American photographer and an Irish musician have a little too much in common…
violent robbery leaves Gabrielle Roy afraid to venture out of the house
alone. Determined to conquer her fear with the healing help of her
cameras, Gabbi plans to expand her niche in landscape photography. Her
friend Suzanne, a fellow Bostonian living in Ireland, lures her to
County Mayo for Christmas using Westport’s spectacular scenery as bait.
Once Suzanne and her husband Andy welcome Gabbi into their home, the
cameras start flashing. Gabbi’s plan is on track until Andy’s troubled
cousin tackles her to the ground.
Christmas brings Irish army veteran
Ronan Swanton home to Westport to visit his family and sell the house
bequeathed to him by his father. Ronan served with the U.N. Peacekeepers
in Lebanon. His business education and his experience as a logistics
officer should help him obtain a topnotch career, but mysterious
nightmares and flashbacks confound him, and therapy isn’t helping.
Playing his banjo provides his only means of refuge, until he meets
Gabbi, a lady he encounters in a most unusual way.
develops when Ronan takes Gabbi driving to visit Croagh Patrick. A day
trip to Dublin to view the city’s Christmas splendor deepens their
growing affection. Though Ronan finds comfort in Gabbi’s companionship,
his ongoing PTSD issues convince him he’s damaged and useless. Yet as
their friendship slowly turns to love, they dare to look to the future,
though the past intrudes and shatters their blossoming romance.
risk of losing Gabbi serves as a call to arms for Ronan. Can he find the
strength to win a woman who lives an ocean away? Can Gabbi make him
realize he’s strong enough for anyone?
Perhaps the music and holiday magic of Ireland can help…
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