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martedì 20 aprile 2021

Mediomanager. Casi umani o risorse umane? Come salvarsi dai mediocri. Come evitare di diventarlo di Barbara Di Salvo



Ogni leader rende felice un’azienda a modo suo, tutti i mediomanager si somigliano nel mandarle in disgrazia.

Un agevole manuale sulle più efficaci tecniche di gestione delle risorse umane contrapposte, con un pizzico d’ironia, a racconti emblematici sui metodi usati dai manager mediocri per ridurle a casi umani.
Queste brevi storie, basate su fatti reali, spiegano ai lavoratori come riconoscere i mediomanager, sentirsi meno soli e impotenti, difendersi da loro e non farsi inghiottire dalla mediocrità dilagante.
I manager vedono quali errori evitare per essere davvero leader, tirare fuori il meglio dai collaboratori e portare l’impresa al successo, attraverso la selezione del personale e lo sviluppo dei talenti, passando per motivazione, formazione, valutazione e aumento della produttività, gestione delle crisi, trasparenza, gioco di squadra e la più proficua e coinvolgente direzione aziendale.
Gli imprenditori e i professionisti HR trovano nuovi spunti per gestire il personale e impedire che i mediomanager facciano danni ai talenti e all’impresa, anche grazie all’originale approccio della piramide rovesciata e degli ingranaggi che fanno da volano per l’innovazione e la crescita.
Per tutti una guida pratica per navigare verso l’eccellenza e schivare gli squali che comandano negli abissi aziendali, fingono entusiasmo coi superiori per ogni cambiamento o tecnica di leadership, ma in realtà li boicottano annientando i talenti e la creatività.
Nessuna impresa si salva perché i mediomanager si replicano come virus, forse per invidia, di sicuro per non perdere il potere garantito dalla mediocrità in cui sguazzano.


domenica 4 aprile 2021

Really? At Your Age?: A Better Late Romance by Jacqueline Diamond




Is it too late for her dreams to come true?

After a quake rattles her small town, Dr. Cody Matchett—age 52—is jolted into rethinking her life choices. That includes her long-simmering attraction to hospital attorney Ben Wright, along with the fate of half a dozen frozen embryos.

When Cody sets her sights on love and motherhood, she discovers shocking secrets and the need to heal family fractures. Then there’s the challenge of choosing a surrogate... who might be Ben’s grown daughter!

Unexpected twists, emotional depth, and moments of laughter fill USA Today bestselling author Jacqueline Diamond’s novels, including the Safe Harbor Medical Romance series. Now the Romantic Times Career Achievement Award winner finds inspiration in what happens when a mature woman discovers she has to act now or never. Don’t miss it!

Amendment Seventeen: A Blessing? Or a Curse? 2nd ed. Edition by Michael James Geanoulis Sr



Our thoroughly educated and distinguished founding fathers spent more time on the careful construction of our Senate than on any other topic. They wanted it to be populated with the highest and best humanity had to offer. So, they concluded, by a vote of 10 to 0, that such a Senate could best be achieved by assigning State legislatures the chore of selecting them; not the public at large who were already given the House of Representatives.

They would no doubt be biased in this regard, but if the founders could be resurrected long enough to survey how we managed the well-considered legacy they gave us in 1787, and how Amendment Seventeen (A17) impacted that legacy, they would be horrified. "What were you thinking?" they would likely ask as they discovered our slowly deteriorating condition, "We intended for you to have a republic, not the popular democratic spectacle of turbulence and contention demonstrated by the ancient record."

Now that we've had more than a hundred years of experience with (A17) and its revised, 1913 formula for popular Senate elections, we should be able to parse the available evidence on the before and after 1913, were we interested enough to do so, in order to determine whether or not A17 was a net good thing for us, or a bad thing; whether or not it was a Blessing for the United States, or a Curse.


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