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domenica 21 luglio 2024

Lost in the cloud (Vol. 1) di Paskim


Skylar ha un hobby segreto: scattare foto al suo compagno di classe di cui ha una cotta, Chan-il.Ma quando Cirrus si imbatte nel Cloud storage di Skylar e vede la sua impressionante collezione di foto di Chan-il, le cose prendono una piega piuttosto diversa. Inizialmente fiducioso che il suo segreto sia al sicuro con Cirrus, Skylar si ritrova continuamente in situazioni compromettenti, facendogli mettere in dubbio le vere motivazioni di Cirrus.

Paskim's "Lost in the Cloud" is more than just a comic; it's a poignant reflection of our digital age.

In a world increasingly dominated by ones and zeros, Paskim's "Lost in the Cloud" offers a refreshing and thought-provoking exploration of our complex relationship with technology. This webcomic, with its captivating artwork and compelling narrative, delves into the depths of our digital existence, raising profound questions about privacy, identity, and the blurred lines between the real and the virtual.

A Modern-Day Orpheus

The story follows Skylar, a young protagonist whose life becomes inextricably intertwined with Cirrus, a mysterious cloud-based entity. As Skylar becomes more reliant on Cirrus for everything from communication to memory storage, a chilling realization dawns: he is losing control of his own life. Paskim masterfully weaves a tale of dependence and manipulation, mirroring the growing influence of technology in our society.

Digital Identity Crisis

"Lost in the Cloud" is not just a cautionary tale; it's a mirror held up to our digital selves. As Skylar grapples with the implications of his overreliance on technology, readers are forced to confront their own digital footprints. How much of our identity is stored in the cloud? Are we truly in control of our personal data? Paskim's work encourages a critical examination of these issues, sparking important conversations about privacy and digital well-being.

Art as a Catalyst for Change

Beyond its thought-provoking narrative, "Lost in the Cloud" is a visual masterpiece. Paskim's art style is both striking and evocative, perfectly capturing the ethereal nature of the digital world while grounding the story in relatable human emotions. The comic's blend of technology and human drama is a testament to Paskim's talent as a storyteller and visual artist.

A Call to Action

"Lost in the Cloud" is more than just entertainment; it's a call to action. By shining a light on the potential dangers of excessive technology use, Paskim encourages readers to take control of their digital lives. The comic serves as a reminder that while technology offers incredible benefits, it's essential to maintain a healthy balance and protect our personal information.

Paskim's "Lost in the Cloud" is a must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of technology and humanity. It's a work of art that challenges, inspires, and ultimately leaves a lasting impression.

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