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lunedì 4 marzo 2024

Devilman, del grande maestro Go Nagai - 02


Devilman, creato dal maestro Go Nagai nel 1972, è un manga che ha lasciato un segno indelebile nella cultura pop giapponese e mondiale. La sua storia, intrisa di demoni, violenza e filosofia, ha affascinato e turbato generazioni di lettori. In questo articolo, ci immergeremo nel complesso universo di Devilman, esplorando le sue origini, la trama, i personaggi e il suo impatto sulla cultura.

Genesi e contesto storico

Devilman nasce durante un periodo di fermento sociale e politico in Giappone. La Guerra del Vietnam era in corso e le proteste studentesche crescevano in tutto il paese. Nagai, sensibile a questi temi, volle creare un'opera che riflettesse la brutalità del mondo e la fragilità della natura umana.

Trama e temi principali

La storia ruota attorno ad Akira Fudo, un giovane puro e gentile che viene posseduto da un demone di nome Amon. Akira diventa Devilman, un essere con la forza e la ferocia di un demone, ma con il cuore e l'anima di un uomo. Combatte contro orde di demoni che minacciano di distruggere l'umanità, mentre si interroga sulla natura del bene e del male, sulla dicotomia tra uomo e bestia, e sul destino dell'umanità.


  • Akira Fudo/Devilman: Un giovane puro e gentile che diventa Devilman per proteggere l'umanità.
  • Ryo Asuka: Un amico d'infanzia di Akira e leader di un gruppo di demoni che combattono contro le forze del male.
  • Miki Makimura: Una giovane donna che ama Akira e lo sostiene nella sua lotta contro i demoni.
  • Satana: Il signore dei demoni e principale antagonista della storia.

Stile e influenze

Devilman è caratterizzato da un tratto distintivo, crudo e violento. Le scene di combattimento sono intense e spesso gore. L'opera è ricca di simbolismi e riferimenti alla religione, alla filosofia e alla mitologia. Nagai è stato influenzato da diverse opere letterarie, tra cui la Divina Commedia di Dante Alighieri e il Paradiso Perduto di John Milton.

Impatto culturale

Devilman ha avuto un impatto enorme sulla cultura pop giapponese e mondiale. L'opera ha ispirato innumerevoli manga, anime, film, videogiochi e opere d'arte. Il suo messaggio di speranza e di lotta contro il male ha continuato a risuonare con il pubblico di tutte le età.


Devilman è un'opera complessa e affascinante che non lascia indifferenti. È un'esplorazione profonda della natura umana, del bene e del male, e del destino del nostro pianeta. Un'opera che invita a riflettere e a interrogarsi sul mondo che ci circonda.

Altri aspetti da esplorare:

  • Le diverse interpretazioni del manga e dell'anime.
  • Il ruolo delle donne in Devilman.
  • L'evoluzione del character design di Devilman nel corso degli anni.
  • L'influenza di Devilman su altri manga e anime.

Devilman is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Go Nagai. It was serialized in Kodansha's Weekly Shōnen Magazine from June 11, 1972, to June 24, 1973. The series follows the story of Akira Fudo, a young man who is possessed by a demon named Amon after being tricked into participating in a Sabbath. With his newfound demonic powers, Akira becomes Devilman and fights against demons to protect humanity.

Devilman has been adapted into numerous anime, OVAs, and live-action films. The most well-known adaptation is the 1972 anime series produced by Toei Animation. The series was directed by Tomoharu Katsumata and featured character designs by Osamu Tezuka. Devilman was a critical and commercial success, and it is considered to be one of the most influential anime series of all time.

The Devilman manga

The Devilman manga is a dark and violent story that explores the themes of good and evil, violence, and the nature of humanity. The series is notable for its graphic violence and sexual content, which was considered to be quite controversial at the time of its release. However, Devilman also features strong character development and a complex storyline that has made it a classic of the seinen manga genre.

The Devilman anime

The Devilman anime is a faithful adaptation of the manga, and it captures the dark and violent tone of the source material. The series is also notable for its animation, which is considered to be some of the best of the 1970s. Devilman was a critical and commercial success in Japan, and it helped to popularize the anime genre in the West.

Devilman's legacy

Devilman has had a lasting impact on popular culture. The series has been referenced in numerous other anime and manga, and it has been cited as an influence by many creators. Devilman has also been praised for its social commentary and its exploration of complex themes. The series remains a classic of the seinen manga and anime genres, and it continues to be enjoyed by fans around the world.

In addition to the manga and anime, Devilman has also been adapted into numerous other media, including:

  • A live-action film series in the 1970s
  • A series of OVAs in the 1980s and 1990s
  • A video game in 2004
  • A stage musical in 2018

Devilman has also been the subject of numerous critical essays and books. The series has been praised for its complex themes, its social commentary, and its groundbreaking animation. Devilman is considered to be one of the most important and influential works of Japanese manga and anime.

Here are some of the reasons why Devilman is so popular:

  • The series is dark and violent, which appeals to some viewers.
  • The series explores complex themes of good and evil, violence, and the nature of humanity.
  • The series features strong character development and a complex storyline.
  • The animation in the anime series is considered to be some of the best of the 1970s.
  • Devilman has had a lasting impact on popular culture.

If you are a fan of dark and violent anime or manga, then Devilman is definitely worth checking out. The series is a classic of the seinen genre, and it continues to be enjoyed by fans around the world.

1 commento:

  1. Devilman: Where innocence meets the abyss

    In a world saturated with superheroes and saccharine anime, Devilman stands as a grotesque, haunting anomaly. Created by the visionary Go Nagai, this manga and anime series is a brutal, unflinching exploration of humanity's darkest corners, wrapped in a package that is as visually striking as it is psychologically disturbing.  

    At its core, Devilman is a tale of transformation. Akira Fudo, an ordinary high school student, merges with a demon, Amon, in a desperate attempt to combat an impending demonic invasion. This fusion grants him extraordinary powers, but it also unleashes a monstrous alter ego capable of unspeakable violence.  

    What sets Devilman apart is not just its graphic depictions of violence, but its unflinching exploration of existential themes. Nagai doesn't shy away from questioning the nature of good and evil, the fragility of human existence, and the potential darkness lurking within us all. It's a world where lines blur, morality is questioned, and hope is a fleeting illusion.

    Visually, Devilman is a masterpiece of chaos and beauty. Nagai's character designs are iconic, and the animation, particularly in the 1972 anime, is a bold and experimental departure from the norm. The series is a visual feast, but it's also a disturbing one, with images that will linger in your mind long after the credits roll.

    While Devilman may not be for everyone, its impact on the world of anime and pop culture is undeniable. It has influenced countless works, from Neon Genesis Evangelion to Chainsaw Man, and its legacy continues to grow.

    Devilman is a cautionary tale, a mirror reflecting the darkest aspects of humanity, and a testament to the power of storytelling. It’s a work of art that demands to be seen, but it also warns us to look away.

    Are you brave enough to face the Devilman within?


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