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martedì 27 febbraio 2024

Carnage: Il simbionte rosso sangue


Carnage è un supercriminale immaginario dell'Universo Marvel, noto per la sua ferocia e sadismo. Creato da David Michelinie e Mark Bagley, ha debuttato nel fumetto The Amazing Spider-Man #361 (aprile 1992). Il simbionte alieno Carnage si lega a Cletus Kasady, un serial killer psicopatico, amplificando la sua già instabile psiche e trasformandolo in una macchina di morte omicida.


Cletus Kasady, nato in un ambiente di abusi e traumi, sviluppa una personalità sociopatica e un'ossessione per la violenza. Diventa compagno di cella di Eddie Brock, l'ospite originale del simbionte Venom. Quando un frammento di Venom si lega a Kasady, nasce Carnage, un essere ancora più pericoloso e sanguinario del suo predecessore.

Poteri e abilità

Carnage possiede forza sovrumana, resistenza, velocità e agilità. Può generare lame e tendrilli simbiotici dal suo corpo, ed è in grado di controllare le ombre. Il simbionte amplifica la rabbia e la follia di Kasady, rendendolo imprevedibile e inarrestabile.


Carnage è principalmente un nemico di Spider-Man, ma ha combattuto anche contro altri eroi come Venom, Capitan America e Deadpool. La sua nemesi più acerrima è Shriek, una donna con poteri sonici che diventa sua amante e complice.

Storia editoriale

Carnage è stato protagonista di diverse serie a fumetti dedicate, tra cui "Maximum Carnage" e "Carnage: Mind Bomb". È apparso anche in numerosi crossover e videogiochi.

Impatto culturale

Carnage è considerato uno dei più iconici supercattivi Marvel. La sua rappresentazione della violenza e della follia lo ha reso un personaggio popolare tra i fan del genere horror.

Carnage rimane una figura terrificante e affascinante nell'Universo Marvel. La sua furia omicida e la sua natura imprevedibile lo rendono un avversario temibile per qualsiasi eroe.

Carnage is a fictional supervillain in the Marvel Universe, known for his savagery and sadism. Created by David Michelinie and Mark Bagley, he debuted in the comic book The Amazing Spider-Man #361 (April 1992). The alien symbiote Carnage bonds with Cletus Kasady, a psychopathic serial killer, amplifying his already unstable psyche and transforming him into a homicidal killing machine.


Cletus Kasady, born into an environment of abuse and trauma, develops a sociopathic personality and an obsession with violence. He becomes a cellmate of Eddie Brock, the original host of the Venom symbiote. When a fragment of Venom bonds with Kasady, Carnage is born, a being even more dangerous and bloodthirsty than its predecessor.

Powers and Abilities

Carnage possesses superhuman strength, durability, speed, and agility. He can generate symbiote blades and tendrils from his body, and is able to control shadows. The symbiote amplifies Kasady's rage and madness, making him unpredictable and unstoppable.


Carnage is primarily a foe of Spider-Man, but has also fought other heroes such as Venom, Captain America, and Deadpool. His most bitter nemesis is Shriek, a woman with sonic powers who becomes his lover and accomplice.

Publication History

Carnage has starred in several dedicated comic book series, including "Maximum Carnage" and "Carnage: Mind Bomb". He has also appeared in numerous crossovers and video games.

Cultural Impact

Carnage is considered one of the most iconic Marvel supervillains. His depiction of violence and madness has made him a popular character among fans of the horror genre.

Carnage remains a terrifying and fascinating figure in the Marvel Universe. His murderous rage and unpredictable nature make him a formidable opponent for any hero.

1 commento:

  1. Carnage: The Psychopathic Symbiote That Terrifies and Fascinates
    Carnage: More Than Just a Red Menace

    In the sprawling tapestry of Marvel Comics, few characters evoke such a visceral response as Carnage. Born from the darkest corners of the human psyche and bonded to a monstrous alien symbiote, Cletus Kasady is a force of nature, both terrifying and captivating.

    The Perfect Storm of Evil

    Carnage is the offspring of Venom, but where Venom grapples with a moral compass, Carnage is devoid of empathy. His symbiotic bond with Kasady, a serial killer with a penchant for chaos, has created a being of pure, unadulterated evil. This lethal combination has made Carnage one of Spider-Man’s most formidable adversaries.

    But what makes Carnage so compelling? Is it his raw, animalistic power? His capacity for unimaginable violence? Or perhaps it's the psychological horror of a mind so twisted, it defies comprehension? The truth is, it's a complex interplay of all these factors.

    Beyond the Horror

    Beneath the blood and carnage, Carnage represents something more profound. He is a mirror reflecting the darkest aspects of humanity. In a world of heroes and villains, Carnage exists as a stark reminder of the evil that lurks within us all.

    Carnage's popularity is a testament to the human fascination with the grotesque. We are drawn to the horrific, the taboo, and the forbidden. Yet, it's important to remember that Carnage is a fictional character, a product of imagination. While his story is undoubtedly thrilling, it's crucial to maintain a clear distinction between fantasy and reality.

    As the Marvel Universe continues to evolve, Carnage remains a constant, a symbol of chaos and destruction. Whether you love him or hate him, there's no denying his impact on the world of comics.

    What are your thoughts on Carnage? Is he a compelling villain or simply a one-dimensional monster? Share your opinions in the comments below!


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