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lunedì 29 gennaio 2024



Robin, l’IA sviluppata da Batman, si è ribellata al suo creatore ed è scomparsa. Insieme al suo nuovo aiutante, l’investigatore privato che si fa chiamare Joker, il protettore di Gotham City dovrà cercare di ritrovarla e riprenderne il controllo! Una emozionante e originale riscrittura di Batman e del suo universo che lascerà a bocca aperta i fan del personaggio come gli appassionati di manga!

A Gotham City qualcuno sta complottando, coinvolgendo i peggiori e più letali criminali della città. Batman è deciso più che mai a scoprire cosa stia succedendo e a fermare la minaccia prima che sia troppo tardi! Per questo si affida sempre più a Robin, l’intelligenza artificiale da lui creata, e al suo nuovo alleato… un detective che si fa chiamare Joker!

Autori: Eiichi Shimizu,
Tomohiro Shimoguchi

Il grande supereroe della Dc Comics finalmente di nuovo protagonista di un manga!

1 commento:

  1. Batman: The World's Greatest Detective or a Troubled Vigilante?
    Is Batman a symbol of hope, a beacon of justice, or a dangerous obsession masking deep-seated psychological trauma?

    For over eight decades, Batman has captivated audiences with his enigmatic persona, unparalleled intellect, and unwavering dedication to fighting crime. Yet, beneath the iconic cowl lies a complex character whose actions raise profound questions about the nature of heroism.

    The Mythos of the Bat

    Batman's origin story is well-known: a young Bruce Wayne witnesses the tragic murder of his parents, igniting a lifelong crusade against crime. This personal tragedy fuels his relentless pursuit of justice, transforming him into a physical and mental powerhouse. His mastery of martial arts, detective skills, and technological prowess are unparalleled, making him a formidable adversary to even the most cunning criminals.

    However, the line between hero and anti-hero is often blurred in Batman's case. His methods, while effective, can be brutal and uncompromising. The psychological toll of his relentless war on crime is evident in his isolated existence and the dark undercurrent that permeates his character.

    A Psychological Profile

    Batman's obsession with crime can be seen as a form of trauma-induced addiction. His constant vigil, fueled by guilt and anger, is a desperate attempt to control the uncontrollable. This psychological dependence on his role as Batman raises questions about his mental health and the sustainability of his lifestyle.

    Moreover, Batman's choice to operate without superpowers places him in a unique position. Unlike other superheroes, he is a mortal man, susceptible to injury and defeat. This vulnerability adds a layer of realism to his character but also highlights the immense physical and emotional strain he endures.

    The Impact of Batman

    Despite his flaws, Batman remains an enduring symbol of hope. His unwavering belief in justice inspires countless individuals to strive for a better world. Yet, it is essential to acknowledge the complexities of his character and the potential dangers of idolizing a vigilante.

    As society grapples with issues of mental health, violence, and the blurred lines between hero and anti-hero, Batman offers a rich tapestry for exploration. His story challenges us to examine the nature of heroism, the consequences of trauma, and the importance of seeking help.

    Is Batman a hero, a villain, or something in between?

    The answer lies in the eyes of the beholder. But one thing is certain: Batman's legacy will continue to provoke thought and debate for generations to come.

    What are your thoughts on Batman? Is he a hero or a troubled vigilante? Share your insights in the comments below.


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