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giovedì 21 dicembre 2023

Funko POP Comic Cover: Black Panther e Aquaman


Funko è un'azienda americana che produce figure in vinile stilizzate di personaggi di fumetti, film, televisione, videogiochi e altre forme di intrattenimento. I Funko POP sono diventati un fenomeno globale, con milioni di fan in tutto il mondo.

Nel 2023, Funko ha lanciato una nuova linea di figure chiamata Funko POP Comic Cover. Questa linea presenta figure che riproducono le copertine dei fumetti classici.

Black Panther

La figura di Black Panther è basata sulla copertina del fumetto del 1977 "Black Panther #1". La copertina, disegnata da Jack Kirby, mostra Black Panther in piedi su una montagna, con la città di Wakanda sullo sfondo. La figura di Funko cattura perfettamente l'aspetto della copertina, con Black Panther che indossa il suo costume tradizionale di vibranio.


La figura di Aquaman è basata sulla copertina del fumetto del 1962 "Aquaman #1". La copertina, disegnata da Mort Weisinger e Murphy Anderson, mostra Aquaman che cavalca una onda di acqua, con un gruppo di Fire-Trolls che lo insegue. La figura di Funko cattura perfettamente l'azione della copertina, con Aquaman che si erge in tutta la sua gloria regale.

Disponibilità e prezzo

Le figure di Funko POP Comic Cover: Black Panther e Aquaman sono state rilasciate nel maggio 2023. Sono ancora disponibili presso rivenditori autorizzati, con un prezzo di circa 12 euro ciascuna.


Le figure di Funko POP Comic Cover: Black Panther e Aquaman sono un ottimo modo per aggiungere un tocco di nostalgia alla tua collezione di Funko POP. Sono anche un ottimo regalo per i fan di questi iconici personaggi dei fumetti.



1 commento:

  1. Aquaman: The Unseen Depths of DC's Oceanic Titan
    In the expansive universe of DC Comics, few characters have undergone as dramatic a transformation as Aquaman. Once the subject of jokes and relegated to the sidelines, Arthur Curry, the half-human, half-Atlantean king, has risen to become one of the most compelling and complex figures in modern comics. This resurgence isn't merely a result of Hollywood magic but a testament to the character's rich narrative potential and the depths of his mythology. Let's dive into what makes Aquaman an extraordinary hero deserving of his legendary status.

    A Royal Heritage: The Dual Worlds of Arthur Curry
    Aquaman's story is one of duality. Born to Tom Curry, a humble lighthouse keeper, and Atlanna, the queen of the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, Arthur Curry embodies the bridge between two worlds—land and sea. This heritage sets the stage for an ongoing conflict between his responsibilities to the surface world and his duty to his underwater realm. It's a narrative that explores themes of identity, belonging, and the struggle to unite disparate cultures, making Aquaman a uniquely relatable character despite his superhuman abilities.

    The Evolution of a Hero: From Super Friend to Solo Star
    Aquaman's journey from a secondary character in the Justice League and Super Friends to a prominent solo hero is a testament to the evolving landscape of comic book storytelling. Early depictions of Aquaman, often simplistic and humorous, have given way to more sophisticated and darker narratives. Modern writers and artists have redefined him, emphasizing his strength, wisdom, and strategic mind, as well as his profound connection to the ocean and its creatures.

    The Power Beneath: Aquaman's Abilities
    While often underestimated, Aquaman's powers are nothing short of formidable. Beyond his superhuman strength and durability, Arthur's telepathic control over marine life is an awe-inspiring ability that connects him to the vast and mysterious oceanic world. His ability to communicate with and command sea creatures makes him a force to be reckoned with, both underwater and on land. This power, coupled with his mastery of Atlantean technology and weaponry, such as the iconic Trident of Poseidon, positions him as a superhero of unparalleled might.

    Atlantis: A Kingdom of Riches and Ruins
    At the heart of Aquaman's lore lies Atlantis, a civilization as complex and diverse as any in comic book history. Depicted as a technologically advanced society with its own rich culture and political intrigue, Atlantis serves as both a sanctuary and a battlefield. The city's visual splendor and its narrative depth have allowed creators to explore a wide range of stories, from epic battles and political machinations to environmental allegories. Atlantis itself becomes a character, shaping and influencing Arthur's path.

    Aquaman in Popular Culture: The Jason Momoa Effect
    The casting of Jason Momoa as Aquaman in the DC Extended Universe (DCEU) marked a pivotal moment for the character. Momoa's portrayal brought a rugged, charismatic energy to Aquaman, challenging previous perceptions and attracting a new generation of fans. The success of the 2018 "Aquaman" film, directed by James Wan, not only showcased the character's potential on the big screen but also highlighted the visual and narrative grandeur of his world. Momoa's Aquaman is a blend of warrior and king, embodying both the fierce protector of the seas and the reluctant hero of the surface.


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