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lunedì 4 dicembre 2023

Eroi, mutanti, mostri & meraviglie. Un viaggio mai tentato prima al cuore dell'universo Marvel di Douglas Wolk


«L’impresa brillante, eccentrica, commovente e davvero meravigliosa di distillare tutta la Marvel in un unico libro. Alla fine, per citare Claude Lévi-Strauss, scoprirete che la Marvel non è solo degna di interesse, ma forse persino essenziale per capire i nostri tempi.» Junot Díaz, “The New York Times” Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Wolverine, e persino Deadpool, Shang-Chi, i Guardiani della Galassia… L’immaginario Marvel ha conquistato il mondo, ma nessuno lo avrebbe immaginato nel 1962, quando Stan Lee e gli altri ebbero l’idea di creare “supereroi con superproblemi” in cui i ragazzi potessero identificarsi: Spider-Man sparava ragnatele e scalava grattacieli, ma era come loro, con le loro stesse ansie, speranze e paure. Sono passati i decenni, quei ragazzi sono cresciuti e le infinite storie di Eroi, mutanti, mostri & meraviglie si sono accumulate intrecciandosi tra loro in un unico grande universo che ha iniziato a parlare a sempre più persone, di età, estrazione e interessi disparati. Commedia, fantasy, romance, epica, fantascienza, gotico, avventura: tutta la cultura alta e bassa veniva ogni settimana messa dagli autori Marvel in un grande frullatore, riciclando e innovando senza freni. Intanto, là fuori, il mondo cambiava, la società evolveva nel bene e nel male, e tutto questo si proiettava nell’universo Marvel, che ha continuato a espandersi tra fumetti, film, cartoni, videogiochi fino a diventare la più lunga storia ininterrotta mai raccontata, amata da miliardi di persone. Douglas Wolk, studioso e appassionato, ha preso di petto la missione impossibile di leggere tutti i 27 000 fumetti Marvel, e restituirne l’essenza magica in questo libro colossale e spassoso, andando finalmente al cuore di questa nuova e coloratissima mitologia pop globale.

2 commenti:

  1. Deadpool: More than just a merc with a mouth

    In a universe saturated with stoic superheroes and pristine, morally upright protagonists, Deadpool stands as a refreshing anomaly. With his irreverent humor, self-aware quips, and penchant for breaking the fourth wall, this anti-hero has captured the hearts of millions worldwide. But what makes Deadpool truly unique is his ability to transcend the traditional superhero mold and resonate with audiences on a deeply human level.

    The Unconventional Hero

    Deadpool, or Wade Wilson, is a complex character shrouded in tragedy. A former special forces operative diagnosed with terminal cancer, he undergoes an experimental procedure that grants him accelerated healing but leaves him disfigured. This physical transformation is mirrored by a psychological one, as he emerges as a cynical, often violent, but undeniably charismatic individual.

    What sets Deadpool apart is his unwavering honesty. While other superheroes grapple with their identities and moral dilemmas, Deadpool is unapologetically himself. He's aware he’s a fictional character in a comic book, and he doesn't shy away from acknowledging it. This meta-commentary adds a layer of self-awareness and humor that is both refreshing and endearing.

    More Than Just a Joke

    Beneath the crude exterior and constant stream of pop culture references lies a character grappling with profound loss and pain. Deadpool’s journey is one of redemption, as he seeks to find meaning and purpose in a world that has dealt him a cruel hand. His relationships with other characters, particularly his love interest, Vanessa, reveal a vulnerable side that is often overshadowed by his bravado.

    A Cultural Phenomenon

    Deadpool's impact extends far beyond the comic book pages. The character has successfully transitioned to the big screen, with Ryan Reynolds delivering a tour-de-force performance that has solidified Deadpool's status as a global icon. The films have not only been commercial successes but have also redefined the superhero genre, proving that audiences crave characters who are flawed, complex, and unafraid to be different.

    Deadpool's appeal lies in his relatability. He represents the ordinary person thrust into extraordinary circumstances, forced to cope with adversity with humor and resilience. In a world that often feels overwhelming, Deadpool offers a much-needed escape, reminding us that it's okay to laugh in the face of adversity and embrace our imperfections.

    As the superhero landscape continues to evolve, Deadpool remains a constant, a reminder that even the most unconventional characters can capture our hearts and imaginations. Whether you're a die-hard comic book fan or simply looking for a good laugh, there's no denying the enduring appeal of this anti-hero who refuses to play by the rules.

  2. Wolverine, the gruff, adamantium-clawed mutant, is more than just a comic book character. He's a cultural icon, a symbol of resilience, and a complex reflection of the human condition. Beyond the surface of a snarling, animalistic figure lies a character grappling with profound loss, identity, and the blurred lines between hero and anti-hero.

    The Unbreakable Spirit

    Wolverine's most defining trait is his indomitable spirit. He's been subjected to unimaginable horrors, from the Weapon X program to countless near-death experiences. Yet, he perseveres, his healing factor allowing him to endure physical trauma that would kill a mortal. This resilience resonates with audiences, offering a powerful metaphor for overcoming adversity.

    A Tragic Past

    Logan's backstory is a poignant exploration of loss and identity. Born with mysterious origins and plagued by amnesia, he's spent a lifetime searching for answers. His complex character is shaped by the people he's loved and lost, creating a tragic depth that makes him incredibly relatable.

    The Blurred Lines of Morality

    Wolverine often operates in the gray area between hero and anti-hero. His methods are brutal, and his temper is short. Yet, his actions are always driven by a deep sense of loyalty and a desire to protect those he cares about. This moral ambiguity makes him a fascinating character to explore.

    The Animal Within

    Wolverine's animalistic nature is a key part of his appeal. His heightened senses, feral instincts, and incredible agility give him a primal power that sets him apart. This animalistic side represents the darker, more primitive aspects of humanity.

    Cultural Impact

    Wolverine's influence extends far beyond the comic book world. He's appeared in blockbuster movies, video games, and countless forms of merchandise. His popularity is a testament to his enduring appeal and the universal themes he embodies.

    In conclusion, Wolverine is more than just a superhero. He's a complex, multifaceted character who mirrors the human experience in all its complexities. His story is a testament to the power of resilience, the enduring nature of loss, and the blurred lines between good and evil. As long as there are stories to be told about the human condition, Wolverine will remain a relevant and compelling figure.


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