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sabato 23 dicembre 2023

Dylan Dog. Morte in sedici noni di Roberto Recchioni e Corrado Roi


Dove finisce l’artista e comincia l’opera, dove si interrompe il dolore e inizia il piacere, dove il confine tra vittima e carnefice si fa più sfumato. È in questo nebuloso e torbido spazio che dovrà muoversi Dylan Dog, lottando per non rimanere soffocato nelle spire inebrianti di una misteriosa mecenate che ha fatto dell’arte la sua ragione di vita. E di morte. Roberto Recchioni e Corrado Roi ci trascinano in un viaggio allucinato, una tempesta di emozioni contrastanti che renderà l’Indagatore dell’Incubo prigioniero di una mente aliena e lo porterà fino al punto di rottura, a un passo dall’abisso, costringendolo ad affrontare i peggiori fantasmi del proprio passato.

1 commento:

  1. Dylan Dog: The Unlikely Hero for Our Anxious Age
    Dylan Dog: More than just a comic book character

    In an era dominated by superheroes and interstellar sagas, it's refreshing to encounter a character who grapples with the mundane horrors of everyday life. Dylan Dog, the iconic creation of Sergio Bonelli Editore, is not your typical hero. He doesn't possess superhuman strength or the ability to fly. Instead, he's a troubled, chain-smoking private investigator specializing in the paranormal.

    Dylan Dog inhabits a world where nightmares bleed into reality, and the ordinary hides extraordinary darkness. His London is a city perpetually shrouded in fog, a symbolic representation of the uncertainty and fear that often lurks beneath the surface of our own lives. In a time marked by increasing anxiety and a growing sense of the unknown, Dylan Dog's world feels eerily familiar.

    What makes Dylan Dog so compelling is his humanity. He's a complex character, plagued by self-doubt and a penchant for bad luck. Yet, he's also deeply compassionate, driven by a desire to help those caught in the clutches of the supernatural. This flawed anti-hero resonates with readers who recognize their own vulnerabilities and imperfections.

    Dylan Dog's popularity extends far beyond the pages of comic books. His influence can be seen in countless horror films, television shows, and video games. The character has become a cultural icon, a testament to the enduring power of storytelling.

    But what is it about Dylan Dog that continues to captivate audiences after all these years? Perhaps it's the way he confronts fear head-on, even when it's overwhelming. Or maybe it's his unwavering belief in the power of human connection. Whatever the reason, Dylan Dog remains a timeless figure, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is hope to be found.

    In a world that often feels overwhelming, Dylan Dog offers a unique perspective. He invites us to confront our fears, to embrace the unknown, and to find strength in our shared humanity. And in a world that desperately needs heroes, he just might be the one we need most.


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