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sabato 31 dicembre 2011


“Welcome to Startup Addict a community and resource for entrepreneurs, investors & startups. A haven for entrepreneurial SuperHeros thwarting the forces of mediocrity. A place where no good idea is left behind. Where Big Ideas are forged into success.
Founder - Tod Whipple is an a serial entrepreneur. Commercial Real Estate Expert. Technology Ninja and lover of all things Business. He is an advocate for startups and small business initiatives everywhere. He continues to fuel his passion for startups through StartupAddict.com founded in 2007. In a former life, Mr. Whipple produced feature films, television and new media projects. He was a partner at Scout Productions a film/television and new media production company in Boston Massachusetts. He founded the company’s new media division in 2000. Some of his credits include Queer Eye for the Straight Guy for Bravo/NBC, Session 9 for USA Films, and Deadman’s Curve for Trimark pictures to name a few. Presently, Tod is involved in a number of businesses, including raising capital for real estate syndication via both domestic capital and foregin capital through the EB-5 program. He enjoys blogging and crafting new business models.

You can connect with him on LinkedIn or Twitter @todwhipple / @startupaddict.”

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